
Opportunities to meet Kelly in person!

Attention Vancouver Island Peeps!

 Authors & Siblings In Conversation! A dynamic, creative, and entertaining 60 minute chat!  
Yes, I’m partnering with my brother Michael Robinson for an evening devoted to writing. You Have Been Referred: My Life in Applied Anthropology, is the most recent book by seasoned author Mike. 

In addition to reading a chapter or two, we’ll be discussing:

The motivation behind our projects.

The creative lessons learned from each of our books. Among them – the challenges and how we managed our creative energy.

Working with real people – how we navigated that experience and how we made decisions on what to cover/not cover.

What surprised us most about the writing process. 

What we learned – if  anything – about ourselves after completing our individual projects.

What it’s like to publish in the digital era.   

Come Join Us! Monday, July 22, 6:30pm.

Sooke Library Multipurpose Room,

6671 Wadams Way, Sooke



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