Awash With Insight
There’s nothing like a mini holiday to get one’s mind off the “selfish mommy to-do list.” Two friends invited my son, daughter and me along with 30 other close friends
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There’s nothing like a mini holiday to get one’s mind off the “selfish mommy to-do list.” Two friends invited my son, daughter and me along with 30 other close friends
Wheee! Pack your snacks and join me. We’re going on a field trip! Today I am writing about the grade three field trip from hell. Yes, I’m rehashing the horrific, muddy corn
The reason why I’m grateful for fishing is probably going to surprise you. In Just TypiKel fashion, it net me one of my dearest friends. Without it, we’d probably be
How writing a book can be a little bit like being pregnant If you’re new here, welcome, and if not, welcome back. As I’ve mentioned of late, I’m finally publishing
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Kelly McKenzie worked at her mother’s Vancouver Asian antique store for over a decade. After struggling to make her first sale, she went on to become her mother’s dependable right-hand gal, picking up bookkeeping skills, marathon running and a husband along the way.
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