Dealing with Potential Disaster
Where does the time go? Here we are almost half way through August and I’ve come to accept the fact that many of the items on my “selfish Mommy” list
As a special nod to Never, Never, Hardly Ever readers, Kelly is offering to visit with your book club either virtually or in- person.
Kelly’s Top 8 Questions For Never, Never, Hardly Ever Readers
3. Did the book change your perceptions of shopping in an antique store? If so, how?
4. Of the many customers introduced in NNHE, who do you relate to most? Were there any you disliked? If so, who?
5. Of all the quirky situations – from Francine’s thumb sliver to Kelly’s rape alarm to Francine’s Chiang Mai swimming costume – which did you find the most relatable?
6. Geoff, Kelly’s father, features throughout the book. What did you think of his desire to fly under the radar as delivery man Fred and his attitude towards Kelly’s boyfriends?
7. There are several “small world” incidents in NNHE, such the stone pig connection. What are some others?
8. If NNHE became a TV series, who would you cast as Francine, Kelly and Fred? What about John, Ed, Bette and Barb?
Where does the time go? Here we are almost half way through August and I’ve come to accept the fact that many of the items on my “selfish Mommy” list
Last night was a nightmare. I’m thinking perhaps it unfolded as it did in order for me to be more willing to say goodbye to my two darling children come
Your book is published, now what? Are you doing a second book, Kelly? Are you relaxing into Spring and gadding about, or finally hunkering down to the woefully neglected garden
This is such a sad post to write and I offer it up as yet another reminder for dog walkers to be vigilant when walking, even at the dog park.
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Kelly McKenzie worked at her mother’s Vancouver Asian antique store for over a decade. After struggling to make her first sale, she went on to become her mother’s dependable right-hand gal, picking up bookkeeping skills, marathon running and a husband along the way.
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