Book Club Scoop

Invite Kelly to Your Book Club!

 As a special nod to Never, Never, Hardly Ever readers, Kelly is offering to visit with your book club either virtually or in- person.

 Kelly’s Top 8 Questions For Never, Never, Hardly Ever Readers

  1. Kelly struggles to make her first sale. Was she right in soldiering on or should she have confided in Francine much earlier?
  2. Francine is blessed with several personas. Of the five mentioned in NNHE: The Sensei (“I was a professor in the Fine Arts Department at UBC for eight years”), Mamasan Frankie (all maternal wisdom and benevolence) Madame Wasabi (manic one minute, flatline the next) The Empress (“I’ll show you the proper way to behave”), and Confident Frank (type-A), which one do you relate to most? Which ones would you find difficult to work with?

3. Did the book change your perceptions of shopping in an antique store? If so, how?

4. Of the many customers introduced in NNHE, who do you relate to most? Were there any you disliked? If so, who?

5. Of all the quirky situations – from Francine’s thumb sliver to Kelly’s rape alarm to Francine’s Chiang Mai swimming costume – which did you find the most relatable?

6. Geoff, Kelly’s father, features throughout the book. What did you think of his desire to fly under the radar as delivery man Fred and his attitude towards Kelly’s boyfriends? 

7. There are several “small world” incidents in NNHE, such the stone pig connection. What are some others?

8. If NNHE became a TV series, who would you cast as Francine, Kelly and Fred? What about John, Ed, Bette and Barb?


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