New York – where the future comes to audition, is the topic for today’s Just TypiKel.
I admit it. I had to look up the quote. While I learned it’s attributed to Ed Koch, mayor of New York City, I also learned he described himself as a “liberal with sanity.” Hmmm …
Last week I wrote about how my visit with pals in Connecticut was almost derailed and how I felt the late Francine nudged me to go. I also teased you about the trip not yet being quite over.
So where did I go after Connecticut?
The Big Apple
I’ve been to NYC once. I was eight. We stayed for a whole night. All I remember about this vibrant city is a magical billboard displaying steaming hot coffee flowing into a white cup.
I’m a NYC neophyte.
Thankfully, a friend suggested booking a hop on, hop off bus tour. I settled on Big Bus New York. At this time of year they offer two days for the price of one. They have two routes: downtown and uptown. While I only purchased the downtown loop, I didn’t find it limiting. After taking the subway to Central Park and touring The Met on the second day, I walked 30 blocks from East 79th Street to East 49th before hopping on a Big Bus which took me to the West 23rd Street drop off.
I’m ridiculously proud of this photo. I am thrilled how it captures both the skaters in Central Park and the stratospheric skyline. I’ve never seen such skinny skyscrapers. They reminded me of my kids’ Duplo blocks of old. Or dozens of sugar cubes piled one on top of another.
I could go natter on about my stay. However, faced with 2459 words, you’d blanch and likely scroll away to something else. So, Iet’s just look at a few highlights, shall we?
Of course, the late, great, Francine would never forgive me if I didn’t go to a play.
“Oh, Kel, how disappointing. Broadway is where it’s at.”
My research landed on All In: Comedy About Love by Simon Rich. Running from December 11 – February 16, it’s billed as a “series of hilarious short stories about dating heartbreak, marriage, that sort of thing” and is read live by four different groups of actors each week.
New York – Where The Future Comes To Audition.
The actors on my night? Lin Manuel Miranda, Jimmy Fallon, Aidy Bryant, and Nick Kroll. I suspect none had to audition. Each sat with an oversized book containing the script on their lap. Kroll and Bryant were completely off book while Miranda and Fallon consulted theirs with professional aplomb. It’s a worthy play, rich with imagination and joy.
I soon discovered there are many points from which to view the city from above. The Big Bus stops at the iconic Empire State Building, so I chose it.
Check out what’s playing on Valentine’s Day.
While I didn’t make it to the Brooklyn Bridge, I did manage a glimpse. Can you see it down there to the left?
I took full advantage of as many restaurants and bakeries as possible. Carlo’s Bake Shop, of Food Network fame, didn’t disappoint. Their croissant was far and away the best I’ve ever had. Light, flaky, buttery. Pure heaven.
The Highlight of My Visit To New York?
This guy.
“Ken-from-Rhode-Island” and I are part of an online group which has been Zooming for over four years. The core of regulars is comprised of two Brits, three Americans and one Canadian. The discussions are always lively and entertaining despite only the Americans having met in person.
Well, when I mentioned I was heading to New York, Ken immediately offered to meet me anywhere in NYC. His commute? Over three hours, each way. What a gem. We met for dinner at Pastis, in the Meatpacking District. Recommended by my sister, it serves, “traditional French fare with a newly invigorated soul.” Delicious.
Our poor server. She must have tried to take our order a half dozen times before we even looked at the menu. It was as if we’d known each other for years. We touched on topics such as his lovely wife and their two daughters, our mutual love of the musical “Oklahoma”, his Swedish studies, our fellow Zoomers, my son and daughter … He even brought his copy of Never, Never, Hardly Ever for me to sign.
Ken, thank you again, for making the effort. May there be a next time very soon. No audition required.
When You Walk Your Feet Off In NYC, It’s Best To Have A Follow Up Plan
My follow up plan? Hanging out in Ontario with my best friend of over 45 years and her husband.
And yes, my poor feet were in dire need of some pampering. Thanks for treating me, Meems, you’re the best.
Thank YOU for hanging out to the end of my blathering on about New York – where the future comes to audition. I so appreciate your support and your comments.
13 Responses
It sounds like you crammed a ton of fun into your visit.
I did, Kathy. Walked my feet off. Wanted to make the most of the few days I had there.
What a great trip! Love all the pics!
Thanks, Ash. I had a wonderful time – tried to do most of the things Wend suggested. Missed a few – I’ll do them next time.
Fantastic Kelly especially the photo of Ken haha what a guy….
A great summary of a fabulous stay Francine would be proud. NY has been in my hit list for years, unfortunately the years have caught up so not in this lifetime. Luv and hugs
Aw, Jo, thank you. Meeting Ken was such a highlight. He’s a great guy. And yes, I think Francine would be proud of all I managed to squeeze in. I hope to get back there one day to do a few more things. One of the items on my hit list was the the 911 Memorial. Missed it. Next time.
What an amazing trip, Kelly. I feel like I was right there with you, and the pictures are perfect !!
Jane – I wish you were with me. I know you’d have loved it. Next time?
Loved the NYC tour, and boy, those photos are phenomenal. So great that you took Frankie’s advice and took the trip anyway. We benefited and I think you did too.
I am so glad I took Francine’s advice, too. So glad. NYC was grand. Visiting you and Des and the gang was also an absolute highlight. Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality. And yes, I’m ridiculously proud of my photos.
Loved this! I’ve had the privilege of visiting New York four times. It really is electric, you can sense it in the air! What an amazing play with those actors! My husband and I got to see Come From Away, a play about 9/11. We saw it in NY the week of the Twentieth Anniversary. We really love that city and can’t wait to go again. Looks like you had a wonderful time there! Glad you got to pamper your feet! 🙂
You are so blessed to have been there four times. I can’t wait to go back. And yes, the theatre I saw was brilliant. So fun to see Lin Manuel Miranda in person. The audience went crazy when the lights went up and he was standing there. Really amazing to witness. I’ve also seen Come From Away – I loved it. I read the book, too. It’s called The Day The World Came To Town. Have you read it? It’s a worthy read.