Francine Facts #4-3-2-1 – She’d Be 102 Today!

Francine Facts #4-3-2-1 – She’d Be 102 Today!

If you’re new here, welcome, and if not, welcome back.

This month at Just TypiKel we’ve been doing a 10 day Francine Fact challenge to honor my late mother’s impending 102nd birthday. What’s the challenge all about? Sharing some of the unique Francine tidbits that made her special. She’d expect nothing less.

You’ll likely be relieved to know today is the last. Yes, it’s Francine Facts #4-3-2-1 – She’d be 102 today!

She celebrated number 101 in style.

Gal turning 101

All Of Her Birthdays Were Special, However One In Particular Stands Out.

Her 73rd.

“Kel, we’ve got to call your folks!”

“It’s pretty early, don’t you think?” I yawned.

“Nope, they’re probably getting ready to walk the dog on the beach. I’ll call now before they’re out the door.”

I sighed and lay back onto the thin hospital pillow. There was no stopping my husband John when he was in this mood. It was futile.

He grabbed the bedside phone and dialed, his face radiating childlike anticipation. He looked six.

“Hi Francine!  Happy Birthday! We’ve got a very special gift for you this year.”

I glanced up at the clock. 05;45. Poor Mom. The sun wouldn’t even be up yet.

“It’s a new grandson!

“Lucky Number Seven! Oh, John, I’m thrilled! Congratulations! How’s Kel?”

John looked over at me and winked.

“Right as rain.”

“Give her my love. And thank you! What a very special gift.”

September 26 – A Very Special Day

elderly women with young masked man wearing a party hat.

Fast forward to 2020. The birthday duo celebrates outside, Covid style.

Elderly woman tucks her arm in young man's elbow while walkingOur dear

Of course, Francine won’t be celebrating today alongside her birthday twin. She passed away on June 14. However, I believe more than a little bit of her lives on in him. He shares her spirit of adventure, her enthusiasm for new people and her joy of learning.

Happy Birthday H! I’m picturing Gaga chair scraping back her chair and hauling herself up for yet another toast.

Happy Birthday Francine! It was an honor to be your daughter. You were one in a million.

So That’s It. Francine Facts Done and Dusted.

Thank you for hanging in with me right to the final Francine Facts #4-3-2-1 – She’d Be 102 Today! And yes, the contest to win a copy of Never, Never, Hardly Ever is still open. The Contestant Queen is urging you on. There’s still a chance for you! Just leave a comment and you’re name is entered.

I’ll announce the grand prize winner within the week.

In the meantime, hug your loved ones, seek out adventure and share the wealth.

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10 Responses

  1. What a lovely way to honour your Mom…and Happy Birthday wishes to H!
    Your stories have added to my story and memory of wonderful Frankie.
    I’m honoured to have one of her brilliant paintings.
    ‘The Gentians’ make me think of her (and my own Mum) and I smile every time.
    Thank you, Kelly

    1. Aw, I’m so glad you continue to enjoy ‘The Gentians.’ I remember how happy she was that it went to you. And thank you for your good wishes. I’ll pass them on to H!

  2. This was just the best Kelly ! What a wonderful tribute to your amazing Mum, who I am so sure was ever so proud of you.
    Thank you for sharing these special memories with us ❤️

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