Francine Fact #5 – She Was A Bank Robber’s Worst Nightmare

gnome statue in black leather on motorbike

Today’s topic is Francine Fact #5– She was a bank robber’s worst nightmare.

Howdy to the newbies and welcome back to the regulars!

This month at Just TypiKel we’re doing a 10 day Francine Fact challenge to honor my late mother’s impending 102nd birthday. What’s the challenge all about? Sharing some of the unique Francine tidbits that made her special. She’d expect nothing less.

Yesterday’s post was about how she resumed painting once my dad died. She was 88 and they were married for 61 years. 

I do hope you’re not feeling swamped with the daily posts. We’re over halfway through.

Today’s post is about the time Francine was a bank robber’s worst nightmare.

Francine Fact #5 – She Was A Bank Robber’s Worst Nightmare

Francine popped into her bank for some cash. Always preferring to chat with the teller than engage with the anonymous ATM, she joined the six others in line. Five minutes passed, then ten. She bit back her rising impatience by drawing an outline of her purse on the roof of her mouth; a habit since childhood.

When the current customer spun away from the teller, she marveled at his outfit. Despite it being a warm July morning, the gentleman sported by a toque, thick scarf and bulky coat. Perhaps he was ill.

But then she spotted the gun …

I don’t have a photo of course, so this one will have to suffice. You get the idea …

Everyone froze except the gunman. Before the reality fully registered, he was out the door and leaping onto a waiting motorcycle.

I don’t have a photo of that either. This will have to suffice.

The bank went into lockdown and no one could leave until they were interviewed by the police. The constable approached Francine with a regretful smile.

“I’m so sorry you had to witness such a traumatic event, Ma’am. Just jot down everything you remember. Don’t worry if you can’t remember much. You’ve been through a lot.”

“Can’t I just tell you?” Francine asked.

“No, Ma’am, sorry. We find witnesses recall more when they jot it down.”

“Fine. My report would be no different but I do understand.”

Francine handed it in a mere five minutes later

“Uh, Ma’am, your recall is quite something! After he brushed your elbow with the gun, you noticed a gold signet ring on his left pinkie? Huh. And the shoes. Are you sure they were Nike? And the heel on the left was more worn than the heel on the right? Okayyy. Now, the socks, you’re claim they were grey with a subtle diamond pattern. That’s a certainty? Could you swear in court that the driver of the motorbike was a woman with auburn hair tucked up into her black helmet?”

Francine clicked the cap on her pen and sighed.

“I just wish I’d thought to knock the gun onto the floor …”

“It’s a damn good thing you didn’t, Ma’am.” He paused to consult the notes. “I gotta ask. How on earth did you notice the ‘unique purple laces’ on the woman’s dirty runners?”

Francine smiled as if speaking to a child.

“I’m an artist. It’s my duty to notice the smaller details. And I am rather fond of shoes.” She pointed to her feet.

“You’re one hell of a witness. Ma’am.”

She certainly was.

A man and woman in their 30s were arrested and charged two weeks later.

Thanks so much for hanging out with me.

Before you go, you should know I’m holding a contest!

On September 26, Francine’s 102nd birthday, one of my subscribers will win: an autographed copy of Never, Never, Hardly Ever – A Mother-Daughter Story of Antiques and Antics – my behind the scenes peek at life with Francine in her Vancouver antique store.

How do you enter? Just leave a comment here. That’s it. One comment = one entry. Already have a copy of NNHE? Gift your win! It’s one less thing you need to shop for.

So, please, leave a comment and I’ll throw your name (and it is?) into the draw.

Tomorrow’s post is about Francine’s “gentle” nudging to get our antics out into the world.

See you tomorrow!


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4 Responses

  1. This is the best fun Francine story yet !! Thanks for sharing, and for providing me with a great Sunday morning laugh ! The pictures are perfect.

  2. That is such a funny story! What was a scary experience became quite amusing because of Francine’s attention to detail. I love the pictures of Francine in her jumpsuit and goggles and in her bedazzled sneakers

  3. Can’t believe what a multitude of talents she had!
    And I have never heard of anyone tracing outlines of objects in their mouths. So unique.
    The bank should have given her a reward!

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