Francine Fact #6 – She Resumed Painting Once Widowed

artist's studio with empty canvas and easel

Today’s topic is Francine Fact #6 – She Resumed Painting Once Widowed

Howdy to the newbies and welcome back to the regulars!

This month at Just TypiKel we’re doing a 10 day Francine Fact challenge to honor my late mother’s impending 102nd birthday. What’s the challenge all about? Sharing some of the unique Francine tidbits that made her special. She’d expect nothing less.

Yesterday’s post was about Francine’s generous nature. She loved to “share the wealth.”

Okay – I do hope you’re not feeling swamped with the daily posts. We’re halfway through. Today, I’m easing up as I believe Francine would like her work to speak for itself.

Francine Fact #6 – She Resumed Painting Once Widowed

Francine’s reaction to our dad’s death after 61 years of marriage was not unexpected. She still had plenty of energy at 84. We weren’t surprised when she announced she wanted to paint again. Our mom stopped some sixty years earlier when life became too busy.

I touch on Francine’s remarkable careers in Never, Never, Hardly Ever and will spare you the details here.

Please just feast your eyes on a few of her efforts.

Snowy landscape


hand signing colorful truck painting


Painting of four Black monks with shade umbrellas




ski instructor pointing out the route to 3 children

As you can see, she didn’t limit herself to one subject. I asked how the ideas arrived and she replied, “Some from photos, some from what I see out the window and some just pop into my brain.”

The woman created dozens and dozens of remarkable works of art since 2006. They are in collections throughout North America and Europe.

Francine carefully chose which of her paintings would go with her into care.

“They’re my friends and they make me happy. I’ll be alright if I have my friends with me.”

paint brushes lined up in artists studio

Her paintbrushes are at rest now.

Thanks so much for hanging out with me.

Before you go, you should know I’m holding a contest!

On September 26, Francine’s 102nd birthday, one of my subscribers will win: an autographed copy of Never, Never, Hardly Ever – A Mother-Daughter Story of Antiques and Antics – my behind the scenes peek at life with Francine in her Vancouver antique store.

How do you enter? Just leave a comment here. That’s it. One comment = one entry. Already have a copy of NNHE? Gift your win! It’s one less thing you need to shop for.

So, please, leave a comment and I’ll throw your name (and it is?) into the draw.

Tomorrow’s post is about the time she witnessed a bank robbery and helped capture the suspect … Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

See you tomorrow!

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5 Responses

  1. I love seeing her paintings, thank you so much for sharing ! She had such talent, and I love her use of colour, and the diversity of her work !

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