elderly woman waving

Francine Fact #9 – And your name?

Guess who’d be turning 102 on September 26th? Our Francine!

And as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, our gal loved a celebration. Of course, she’d be expecting me to acknowledge this special day  in some form or another. So in her honor, I’ve come up with the concept of a Ten Francine Facts Countdown.

My daughter was less than impressed.


Duly noted. Yes, every day but I shall keep them short. I promise.

Today’s Francine Fact #9 focuses on Francine’s obsession with immediately learning a stranger’s name.  It didn’t matter where she was or whom she was meeting. She needed to know the person’s name within seconds.

elderly woman in red shirt sitting in a chair

“Hello! And Your Name?”

As our late dad would say, “Francine is all about the socials.” True. She’s always been keen to chat with strangers. However, at some point in her eighties, she jettisoned the,  “Nice to meet you, I’m Frankie” pleasantry, replacing it with the somewhat clipped, “And your name?”

Most folks took a beat before answering. The query was so abrupt and direct.

It didn’t matter who you were … from the audiologist visiting her care home …

elderly woman prepping for hearing test

… to the folks buying shoes in the Honolulu department store …

… everyone received the same greeting. “And your name?”

elderly woman waving

“Okay, Kel, that’s enough. Do tell the good folks about the contest!”


I’m holding a contest.

On what would be Francine’s 102nd birthday  one of my subscribers will win: an autographed copy of Never, Never, Hardly EverA Mother-Daughter Story of Antiques and Antics – my behind the scenes peek at life with Francine in her Vancouver antique store.

How do you enter? Just leave a comment here. That’s it. One comment = one entry. Already have a copy of NNHE? Gift your win! It’s one less thing you need to shop for. Francine would be thrilled to know our antics are getting out into the world.

So, please, leave a comment and I’ll throw your name (and it is?) into the draw.

Our Francine adored contests. As tomorrow’s post will reveal, she may have won one or two …

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14 Responses

  1. Love this ! I could definitely use this tactic, as I am terrible at remembering names, but great with faces !!
    Your Mum was such a force to be reckoned with !

    1. Hey Jane, should you employ it, be aware of a momentary hesitation before they respond. Ha! And yes, she was quite “summat.”

  2. I love that you are doing Francine Facts. I have always loved your stories about your Mom. I also love that your Mom always had to know a person’s name. What a lovely gesture. My mother, like your. mom also loved entering as many contests and winning prizes as she could. Similar spirits our moms had. 🙂

    1. Oh Suzanne, thank you. How interesting your mom entered and won contests, too! I’d love to hear what she won over the years.

  3. Hi. My name is Lisa. I love that she asked people’s names! Oh, and I own the book but an autographed edition would be fantastic;).

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