How Should We Celebrate Francine’s 102nd Birthday?

Birthday cake and candles for 101st birthday

The question is: How should we celebrate Francine’s 102nd birthday? Her special day, September 26, is fast approaching.

How Should We Celebrate Francine’s 102nd Birthday?

“But, Kel! Do you really think it’s appropriate to celebrate it when she’s … um … not here?”


Have I taught you nothing? This woman loved a celebration.

I shudder to think what might happen if we ignored her 102nd birthday. At the very least, I suspect I’d be beset with ghostly whispers of, “Oh, Kel. That’s just silly! We can’t let my special day slip by without some form of acknowledgement. ” And at the very worst? Can you say, “Smote?”

Even now she’s nudging me, “Come on Kel, just get on with it.”

Elderly woman holding up a beer

Okay, Francine, here we go. In your honor, I’m announcing a celebratory countdown.

Dear readers: each day from now until September 26 I shall share a Francine Fact. The goal is to share a bit more about our centenarian wonder.

Francine Fact #10

The woman proudly possessed two extensive wardrobes. It wasn’t a secret. She’d tell anyone expressing a modicum of interest, “I have a thin one and a not-so-thin one. I always have something to wear. It’s a marvelous system.”

Yes, our Francine was a dieter for decades. Not loyal to any particular weight loss company, Francine tried ’em all. Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, TOPS, Metrecal …

Indeed, one of my earliest memories is of scrambling up a kitchen stool and grabbing a packet from Mom’s Metrecal shake mix stash. This wonder was OFF LIMITS! to anyone but Mom. Only she was allowed to indulge in the thick chocolatey beverage treat. It wasn’t fair.

I remember ripping open the packet of powdery chocolate with an overwhelming sense of urgency, tipping the contents into a glass and shooting over to the tap to splash in some water. One quick stir and I downed it.

Remember the cinnamon challenge of 2012?

Yup – this was the 1960’s version.  The kitchen was suddenly a crime scene. Spewed chocolate powder coated every conceivable surface. I barked like an epileptic seal, with tears tracking down my powdery cheeks, and my nose and throat burning as if I’d inhaled battery fluid.

How on earth did Mom choke this stuff down?

I thought of her special friend named Calorie. Every night Mom would treat us to a numbers game involving Cal.  It was as if we lived in a casino.

“150 … 225 … 485 … 600. Okay, I can have one more shake.”

Fine. She and Calorie were welcome to it.

Lesson learned. Metrecal was OFF LIMITS! to me. Forever.

As she aged into her senior years, dieting became less necessary. Francine donated the majority of the not-so-thin wardrobe. Then in her eighties, Francine suddenly pronounced,  “I do like something sweet at the end of a meal.”

This usually took the form of a cookie or two.

The bigger, the better.

Note the finger placement … she swore she was innocent …

Now, who’s up for a little something sweet?

Psst … there might even be something sweet in store for one of you on the big day! See ya back here tomorrow …

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13 Responses

  1. Oh my, love this one ! I am still laughing about you sneaking the diet shake !!
    Can’t wait to read about the rest of Francine’s fun facts !!

    1. That shake was horrid. They definitely didn’t deliver. I was SO disappointed and shocked, Jane. I remember sampling diet cookies too. Can you say, “pressed cardboard?”

  2. Of course she would want for you to celebrate her birthday. Loved her spirit. Love your stories Kelly. Bless your heart for continuing to keep your mom’s memory alive. xx

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