group of women gathered on a shoreline deck

Today’s effort is supposed to be a scintillating synopsis of my Summer Book Reading Part Two.

But I’m not going to lie.

I’m struggling to write it. It’s raining here in BC’s Lower Mainland for the first time in weeks. And my brain is sludge. The words aren’t flowing. It’s a sleepy Sunday and all I want to do is sit and read. Or play solitaire on my laptop. Or watch replays of the Paris Olympics.

And that has got me feeling guilty as hell. Come on McKenzie. Get your act together.

Let’s make a splash.

Man throwing stick into ocean for dog.

If you’re new here, welcome. And if not, welcome back!

Why Part Two?

Well, my most recent Just Typikel – Summer Book Reading Part One – was about the dual book presentation my brother and I gave at the Sooke Library in July.

Since then, I’ve performed solo. Yes, solo. A few weeks after the Sooke presentation, I dropped in on the Sandy Bottom’s Book Club.

Hence, Part Two.

And it would be my second outing with the SB group. They invited me to speak in 2018 about my involvement with the humor anthology Laugh Out Loud.

The SB gang are a rather special to me.


Well, back in 2018, this group who meet regularly during the summer months on their idyllically sunny and sandy island, tucked away in the Salish Sea on Canada’s scenic west coast, encouraged me to write about working with Francine.

Oh sure, my late mother always told me there was a book in it.

However, it’s one thing to have your mom push you and quite another to have a group of strangers do it.

These gals’ unbridled enthusiasm cracked open a possibility. Perhaps folks might actually be interested in a quirky behind the scenes look at a women-led business.

You can understand why I was most excited to present published Never, Never, Hardly Ever to the group these six years later.

Sandy Bottoms Book Club – July ’24 Edition

Today’s lethargy has nothing to do with the July ’24 event. Held on what would have been Godfrey’s  103rd birthday, it was an absolute delight.

As with the Laugh Out Loud version, Liz, my highschool pal, generously offered to host on her deck. I just had to turn up. She did it all; ensured a healthy attendance, sorted out the location and offered a delicious spread. Thank you, Liz. You’re the best.

Book and food on tablespread

I learn something at every presentation.

This time I opened by asking who had yet to read the book. Several shot up their hands, which was so helpful. Rather than launch into why I chose to self publish, I shared the reasoning behind the title and the cover, giving the “NNHE virgins” some valuable, much needed insight.

I followed this up with the revelation that “Gaga”, “Francine”, “Mom”, and “Frankie” are the same person. I’ve learned the clarification clears up any confusion caused by my tendency to pepper my discussion using all four monikers.

Then, with encouragement from the group, I offered to read a chapter or two.

Silly me.

I realized I left my now well-thumbed personal copy of NNHE – the one that arrived with a nasty tear in the front cover – at home: one water taxi and two ferry rides away. I’d have to dip into one of the pristine numbers I hoped would go home tonight with someone else.

I gingerly cracked open the cover and began to read.

Several readers have written to tell me they appreciate NNHE’s short chapters.

I’ve learned this applies to readings, too. There are two chapters which seem to go down a treat with listeners. Which two are they? Invite me to your book club and I’ll happily share!

“But Kelly, I live in Dallas!”

No, worries. Your book club and I can FaceTime! I’m up for it if you are.

group of women gathered on a shoreline deck

My heartfelt thanks to the wonderful members of the Sandy Bottoms Book Club. I thoroughly enjoyed my evening with you.

As you may be aware, the life of a self published author is … interesting. We do all our own publicity. Have you self published? Tell me about your book. I’d love to learn about it.

There we go. Another Just TypiKel done and dusted. I did it. Thank you for being here and for reading.

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4 Responses

  1. Love hearing about all of your speaking engagements, and do hope I can be present at one ! This one was such a beautiful setting and delicious looking spread !!

    1. I sure hope you can be present at one of them, too, Jane. How fun would that be? Thank you yet again for your never ending support.

  2. Ooo, Kelly. I’m still trying to get the hang of promoting my blog posts and getting people to stop by the blog versus keeping skimming. Thank you for your honesty about the self-publishing grind. I’m sure it’s preparing you well for your second book, which I hope is percolating in your brain somewhere.

    Cheers to summer!

    1. Cheers to summer, indeed! And yes I’m with you on the skimming front. This gig ain’t for the weak of heart … We should maybe cook up another link-up … hmmm …

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