Coming Soon! A Book For Impatient Youngsters And Those Who Love Them

book cover showing redheaded youngster on rollerskates

Coming Soon! A Book For Impatient Youngsters And Those Who Love Them


If you’re new here, welcome! If not, welcome back!

Got an impatient little one in your life? I’ve got just the book for you. Harriet Hurry-Up and the Oh-S0-Slow Day! 

… and you thought I just posted about my own book, Never, Never, Hardly Ever


book cover showing redheaded youngster on rollerskates


I’m thrilled to tell you about this gem written by my friend, Allia Zobel Nolan, an internationally published, award-winning author of over 150 titles.

I’ve been given the ultimate treat: a chance to read the book before it hits the shelves and I’m happy to report it’s a worthy read.

Harriet Hurry-Up and the Oh-S0-Slow Day

My immediate reaction? Remembering exactly how I felt when “forced” to wait when I was little.

Waiting was the worst. Waiting for Mom to stop trying on dresses at Marty’s clothing store, waiting  for the Number 14 Hastings bus to pick me up and take me home after school, and waiting for the chance to get an ice cream at Peter’s Ice Cream Shop after yet another long Sunday morning drive around Stanley Park and Vancouver’s Downtown East Side.

Allia’s Harriet also hates to wait. She’s one impatient little gal. In her world, everything seems to take forever. From a slowpokey sun that won’t rise before she does, the goopy pancake syrup that takes forever to pour, and the lineup at the supermarket that’s longer than three football fields.

However, there’s hope. With her Gran’s help, this impatient little girl learns to trust God’s timing and find the blessings he puts in every single day–if she can just slow down long enough to see them.

The whimsical illustrations by Alexandra Colombo perfectly compliment the rhymed text. Harriet is a hoot. What’s not to love about her energy, the red hair, purple dress and multihued roller skates?

Bonus Feature

I like how Allia has included some clever tips to help children and parents deal with the impatience. My one beef with the book? It wasn’t around when my two were little. These tips would have come in mighty handy back in the day.

The book is recommended for the 4 -8 year age group. But I think the message appeals to all age groups.

Everyone has to wait. You can’t change that. But you can change how you feel about it. Celebrate the wait!

Harriet Hurry-Up and the Oh-S0-Slow Day! is available on August 13 but you can pre-order it on Amazon now.

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2 Responses

  1. Sounds like a fantastic book that so many families will enjoy! Love the cover illustration, too. I’m with you, Kelly, I wish it was around when my kids were younger.

    P.S. The new blog look is fabulous.

    1. It really is a worthy read. Maybe the 22nd edition will be out by the time our grandkids arrive – ha!

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