Celebrating A Life Well-Lived This July 1 Canada Day

middle-age and elderly women with Canadian flags

We’ll be celebrating a life well-lived this July 1 Canada Day.

Yes, our 101-year-old mom has moved on to her next adventure. 

Thank you to everyone who reached out to express condolences on the passing of this rather remarkable gal. I know Francine would be pleased to learn how highly you thought of her.

Celebrating A Life Well-Lived This July 1 Canada Day

July 1 is a national holiday here in Canada. This year we are celebrating her 157th birthday. And yes, our family will be celebrating. Francine would expect nothing less. She often remarked, “Don’t be sad when I’m gone. Please. Remember me with joy.”

Bless her.

To honor that wish, I’ll share the snippet from her obituary which highlights some of her achievements:

 we all agree Frankie won the gene pool lottery. She excelled at most things she tried, with the exception of cooking. Proud to be a longtime member of Mensa, world traveler Frankie was a Lecturer for eight years in the Department of Fine Arts at UBC, before operating her successful Asian antique store –  Frankie Robinson Oriental Gallery (FROG) – for 17 years on South Granville. Always a gifted artist, she picked up her paint brushes again in 2006 and blessed us with dozens of treasured, colourful creations over the next decade.

“Always a gifted artist, she picked up her paint brushes again in 2006 and blessed us with dozens of treasured, colourful creations over the next decade.”

This is the painting Francine was most proud of. At least when she came to visit me.

Snowy landscape

This is the painting she was most proud of. At least when I visited her.


“She excelled at most things she tried, with the exception of cooking.”

So true. I posted visual proof on Instagram ten years ago:


hand holding burnt muffin

4 minutes in the microwave. A single frozen muffin. Okay then …

I think Francine was secretly fond of her inability to cook or bake.  When discussing it, she’d adopt this little smirk, run her fingers through her hair and pronounce, “I failed kitchen.” It was always admitted as if professing something a little naughty, as one might admit skipping classes or nipping some booze from your parents’ cabinet.

“… before operating her successful Asian antique store –  Frankie Robinson Oriental Gallery (FROG) – for 17 years on South Granville.”

Can you say, “charred hockey pucks?”

Those wonders and other classic Francine cooking fails are revealed in “Buying Solo” – Chapter 24 of my coming-of-age memoir, Never, Never, Hardly Ever.

paperback, hat, and sandals on beach

The perfect way to spend Canada Day. A day at the beach with a good book …

middle-age and elderly women with Canadian flagsCanada Day, 2022. And no, Francine wasn’t cooking. It was the first time her residence celebrated with family members post Covid. A memory I’ll always treasure.

Read Never, Never, Hardly Ever and are yet to post a review? Please do. Reviews help readers discover my book. Haven’t read it yet? Check it out here: https://mybook.to/neverneverhardlyever

Thank you.

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Happy Canada Day, my fellow Canadians! Here’s to maple leafs, butter tarts, Nanaimo Bars and poutine!

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6 Responses

  1. Kelly and family. I have followed your emails and Francine stories for years. What a wonderful loving bond you had with her.
    You will have so many memories to hold onto.

    Sincerely, Lorraine Conn

    1. Thank you, Lorraine, for stopping by and leaving such a kind note. I agree – we do have so many memories to hang on to.

  2. Happy Canada Day to you and your family ! I am sure your Mum will be greatly missed, but fondly remembered ( except for her cooking ).
    Thank you for filling us with amazing memories !!

    1. Hockey puck burgers slapped between dry white bread? Yum. Thank you, Jane, your support is everything.

  3. Again, I’m sorry about Francine. What a gal!

    Happy Canada Day! I just had some Nanaimo bars for the first time in YEARS. A Canadian family now living in Michigan whipped out this delicacy at an open house. Woo hoo! I love them.

    And I’m happy to report that I love Canada so much from my 3 years living and studying there that my firstborn celebrates his birthday on July 1 just like Canada. 🙂

    1. Oh my word – I had no idea your son shares a birthday with Canada Day. How delightful! And Nanaimo Bars! Aren’t they just such a delicious treat? Tell me, did you ever sample Buttertarts? My pal went to the Buttertart Festival in Ontario a few weeks ago. She said over 30,000 people attended this year. Amazing.

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