Why I Won’t Be Visiting Mom this Mother’s Day

Elderly woman reposed in chair

Why I won’t be visiting Mom this Mother’s Day is on deck today.

But first, if you’re new here, welcome, and if not, welcome back.

Okay, I should rush to assure you, all is well on the Francine front. It’s me, not her. Here’s why I won’t be visiting Mom this Mother’s Day: I have acquired a dreadful cough. The kind that causes the windows to rattle and skittish horses to flee.  At 101, our mother does not need to be exposed to this delight. Nor do her fellow residents and caregivers.

Once A Mom, Always A Mom

I started feeling punk on Tuesday and as I usually bounce back quite quickly, I hoped I’d be well enough for our Saturday bingo date. But even after falling asleep early last night – halfway through game two of the thrilling hockey playoffs between the Vancouver Canucks and the Edmonton Oilers – I woke this morning still feeling a bit wretched.

No bingo for me today. But no matter – I’m confident Francine will win her usual haul of Smarties. elderly hand holding 3 tiny boxes of smarties

However, I was reluctant to update her. Why? Because our dear mother naturally reacts as a mother.

“Oh, Kel, how dreadful. I am sorry. Do take care of yourself. Have you enough food? Enough to drink? Do you need any money? How can I help?”

Yes, once a mom, always a mom.

To avoid causing maternal stress and her blood pressure to soar, I admit it was tempting to call and make excuses.

“Sorry, Francine, I’m going to have to give bingo a miss today. I’m being treated to an early Mother’s Day treat.”

But then I realized the lie would need to carry over into tomorrow.

“Happy Mother’s Day, Francine! Sorry I can’t make it in today. I’m far too busy celebrating.”

Yeah. Good luck making that excuse fly, Kel.

I can hear her now.

“Aw, Kel, I do wish you’d take me along.”

Think it’s easy listening to that plaintive plea? Ha. You try telling this feisty woman she can’t do something.

Silly me, I foolishly let it slip that my sister and my niece were hosting the launch party for Never, Never Hardly Ever.

Her response? “Aw, Kel, I do wish you’d take me along.”

Unfortunately such events are now beyond our centenarian. When heading down the corridor to the residents’ cafe proves challenging and going to an eye doctor appointment wipes her out for the rest of the day, socializing with over two dozen eager guests late into the night would have laid her out flat.

hand holding up copy of a red book

Knowing it is one thing, but explaining it to her is quite another.

As readers of Never, Never, Hardly Ever come to learn, our Francine is a force. A case in point: In 2017 the two of us flew to Honolulu, her happy place. Of course, our 94-year-old chatted up the lycra bound young couple standing alongside the hotel breakfast bar.

“What are you two doing up at dawn?” she asked.

“We’re getting an early start climbing Diamond Head.”

“Oh, how glorious! Let’s join them, Kel!”

Have a gander at Tripadvisor’s Diamond Head blurb:

Diamond Head is worth it for the amazing views. But it’s a hike!!!! Make sure you have good walking shoes on, keep a bottle of water and are in good shape to make the climb. It takes about 30 minutes to hike up the mountain and it is unpaved, uneven, and rocky.

When I shared how damn tricky it was dissuading Mom from undertaking such a strenuous outing, our doc simply smiled and nodded.

“Kelly, your mother thinks she’s still 62. I suspect she always will.”

Yup – such an attitude still holds true these seven years later.

So now you know why I won’t be visiting Mom this Mother’s Day. But don’t worry. As with all other family celebrations of late, the gang will come to her. My sister, niece and the local great grandchildren will ensure Mom has a very special day. I’ll celebrate with her once I’m back in fighting form.

Psst … what’s this Never, Never, Hardly Ever book about, you ask? “How a successful entrepreneur (Francine) hires her broke, single and jobless kid (me) to help run the family store. What could possibly go wrong?”

You can check out all the deets here:


Okay, I’m off to inhale some hot lemon and honey water. Stay healthy, everyone.

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14 Responses

  1. I am so sorry to hear you are under the weather Kelly and hope you are right as rain again soon.
    Happy Mother’s Day to you and your very special Mum !

    1. So sorry you are feeling so sick. I hope you are feeling better soon. Get some sleep!

      1. Thank you so very much, Susan. I’m pleased to report I’m feeling better. I still sound like a six pack a day smoker, but the energy is creeping back. I slept very well last night, too. Phew. Stay well!

    2. Thank you for your kind words, Jane. I am feeling better. The ticket now is to try and not do too much, I suspect. Judging by the photo of the heavenly dessert, it looks like you had a splendid Mother’s Day! I’m so glad.

  2. One could only hope to have the spunk Franclne has at her age! The apple did not fall too far from the tree, given you dragged yourself from the depths of illness to write this blog. I Love it!
    I hope you are on the mend soon and send Happy Mother’s Day to Fancine!

    1. Ha! Thanks for that observation, Gina. I am feeling better this morning, thank you. There’s hope. I hope you had a splendid Mother’s Day. Stay well.

  3. Feel better soon! I’m quite the fan of celebrating holidays whenever you feel like it or whenever it works best for your schedule. Case in point: I celebrated Mother’s Day on Saturday when my two big kids were home. Twas great! And less crowded than the real Mother’s Day.

    1. I love that. It’s such a great idea to celebrate to suit the schedule. And to have both big kids home at the same time? The best Mother’s Day gift ever.

  4. Sorry you haven’t been feeling well. Hope you’re getting better every day! Your mom sounds like a hoot! Hope you both had a happy Mother’s Day, even if you weren’t together.

    1. Thank you so very much, Cindy. It turns out I have bronchitis with perhaps a dollop of pneumonia. Delightful. However, the antibiotics are kicking in and I’m sounding less like a foghorn when coughing. I’m off to play bingo with Mom tomorrow so we’ll do our well deserved catch up then.

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