Some Great Mother’s Day Gift Book Suggestions

woman laughing while reading a book

Some great Mother’s Day Gift book suggestions is today’s Just TypiKel post.

But first, how is it May already? Is it just me or do you find the time is zooming by? Crazy, no?

Hi. If you’re new here, welcome, and if not, welcome back.

I love to read and I had every intention to record the titles I’ve read this year. Have I done that? No.

However, with Mother’s Day’s day coming in hot in Canada and the US on May 12,  I thought I’d share a few book titles that stand out as the ideal gift for the woman in your life who loves to read. And loves to laugh.

Some Great Mother’s Day Gift Book Suggestions

The first one is this gem: Laugh Out Loud by Allia Zobal Nolan with contributions from Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop.

An author of 175 + titles, Allia Zobel Nolan knew she’d tapped into a comedic goldmine when she attended the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop. These folks could create quite the humor anthology! The result is a seriously funny book celebrating “the then and the now before we forget.” The stories range from the days when we spent hours ironing our hair and rolling it in soda cans or teasing it as tall as the Tower of Babel, to contemporary times when perfect hair is the last thing the menopausal mainiac thinks about while roaring along a Mexican beach on a four-wheel quad or the 82-year-old gal is struggling to escape an unforgiving camisole shapewear in the random mall changing room.

You can check Laugh Out Loud out here. And yes, I do apologise for the lengthy gobbledeegook links.

The second one is My Average Colon and Other Midlife Adventures by January Ornellas.

January is a humor writer whose work has appeared in the LA Times and the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Her debut collection of short stories is rife with midlife adventures. I dare you not to laugh at her account of being held hostage at a timeshare presentation or being mistaken for a volunteer at her first triathlon or being that woman who stalked the neighborhood kid who stole her exercise ball.

Check it out here:

The third book is If I Knew I was Going To Have Three Boys I Would Have Paid More Attention In PE – Volume 1 by Amber McClain Shaw.

Yes, Amber is that one mom who actually jotted down the funny and unique things her kids said and did. From attending endless Little League games to holding a funeral for a pet rat, or enjoying a mother/son dinner date, this chronological series of poignant and humorous stories offers readers a glimpse into the journey of parenting boys with humor and intention.

The 4th book I recommend as a Mother’s Day gift is Burnt Gloveboxes – Embracing Life When It Goes Up In Flames by Gina Ramsey.

When I was given this book I immediately recognized a fellow quirk magnet. Things happen to Gina that don’t happen to others. Except perhaps to me and Francine.

Have a gander at the “Gina Ramsey Authorpreneur” strip below. These weren’t quite the “bookmark”  size she anticipated when ordering online. Hello, popsicle stick/tongue depressor wonders.

Book with a Chicken peering through a charred gloveboxThe book is full of quirky stories like this.

You’ll giggle when you learn the reason behind the unfortunate aroma that suddenly pervades every corner of their new home, or what causes their vehicle’s glovebox to suddenly start smoking like a faulty barbecue or who manages to commandeer their van into a light pole just prior to visiting Santa.

Gina’s book is available through

And finally, the one I’ve blathered on about enough of late.

Photo of Never, Never Hardly Ever book and Kindle

Here’s an independent Amazon review of Never, Never, Hardly Ever:

This book is sweet and funny, a story about a mother-daughter duo working in an Asian antiques shop in Vancouver in the 80s and 90s and their escapades. I was worried I might be lost as I know nothing about Asian antiques, but at heart this book is about their adventures in the shop and traveling abroad, plus their relationships with each other, customers/friends, family members, etc.

I promise you won’t go wrong if you gift one of these five for Mother’s Day. Better yet, why not gift her all five?

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0 Responses

  1. Ooo, I found some new titles to add to my list. My list where I have already enjoyed and crossed off the most excellent Laugh Out Loud by Allia Zobal Nolan and Never, Never, Hardly Ever by you!

    1. I think you’ll enjoy the new titles, Katy. I was laughing out loud with both.

  2. There are some excellent sounding choices of lighthearted humour in your list !
    Looking forward to checking the ones I have not read !
    The top of my list would be your book, which was so delightful , funny and heartwarming !
    Happy Mother’s Day to you and to Francine !

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