Ready for a very special marvels and wonderments treat? Yay! Today we passing the keyboard and mouse to the  wonderment that is Susan Michael Barrett. I am beyond delighted! and wonderments/
Susan Michael Barrett

Marvels and Wonderments

I first “met” Susan through Liv Lane’s now retired online blogging course. Susan’s comments at the end of each lesson intrigued me. They were fresh and insightful.  Who was this woman who spoke so openly about issues such as living with both cancer and the unexpected death of her son? I had to know more. I toddled over to her blog Wonderments and was bowled over. What a marvel!

Her blog tagline? “Occasions of rapt awe, curiosity, and wonder.”

Spend some time there and you”ll soon realize that this is a woman of substance. A woman who is constantly evolving.

Just check out some of the gems that sparkle on her bio:

“She chooses to be happy regardless of how life shows up. She’s having fun doing her best.”


“Her ultimate favorite pastime? Listening to and being with whomever and whatever is in front of her.”


Susan’s constantly looking to improve her life and the lives of others. Just recently she celebrated the first birthday of her project Wonder Anew. Here she is encouraging others to share the positive changes they have made in their lives with a focus on how they did it or how they will do it.

Susan is also a born teacher, I never fail to learn something from her. I come away feeling more rested, more centered and more grounded. Just spend some time on her site and you’ll understand.

But enough blather from me. Let’s hear from Susan. Today she is sharing a post that is so pertinent for the busy days of December. It deals with the importance of understanding kids’ holiday energy and letting them know that there is ALWAYS enough love to go around.

Please just clink on the link below and enjoy.

Thank you Susan. I am honored to share you with others.

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26 Responses

    1. Oh my gosh, Kelly–remember that show Queen for a Day? Of course you don’t, you’re way too young. It was a TV program where a lot of wonderful attention is given to one person. I’m feeling like that. Thank you for this gift of a post and ongoing support for my writing and project. So many hugs to you. Really, Kel–you’ve outdone yourself on this one. I so wish I had a joke up my sleeve for you (so typikal :)) xo

  1. THIS was what I needed to read today! Thank you Kelly, for sharing Susan, and thank you, Susan, for sharing your love and beautiful writing!

    1. Is it the holidays or something? So many kind gifts. Thank you, Nicki.

      The kids sure do love candles and watching a flame flicker. Perhaps it’s the calm in watching fire that supports a message like that to come in. A parent with a newborn said that after they did the candle activity she cuddled with her firstborn. During that cuddle mom said, “I want you to know that even when I’m feeding baby, I think about you.” Her child said, “There’s enough love in you, Mom.” So sweet.

  2. Thank you for the link to Christine’s website Kelly. I really needed that today. She is truly inspirational.

  3. Such a beautiful tribute to our fellow alumnae, Susan! Thanks for shining the light on so many wonderful bloggers this month! Merry Christmas, my friend!

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