
My day just got brighter. Good thing – my part of the world is currently under both a wind and rainfall warning. Batten down the hatches, mates!

My online blogger pal Mo who celebrates life’s gifts over at recently nominated me for the Sunshine Award! This means I get to answer her questions about myself and then pass the torch on to 10 blog pals.

Mo’s questions for me are:

1. Where were you born? I was born in Vancouver, BC.

2. Do you prefer romantic comedies or suspense thrillers? Rom-Coms! This is the perfect question for me, Mo. Rom-Coms give me such joy. Until my son became aware of the suspense thriller option at around eight or nine, it was pretty much all we watched around here. Ask him. He will roll his eyes and come up with a wealth of titles: Legally Blonde, Bridget Jones’ Diary, Love Actually, Raising Helen, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Sleepless in Seattle, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Meet the Fockers or anything with Hugh Grant in it … My son actually used to throw the Rom-Com at me when negotiating. ie: “If I can stay later at Michael’s house I promise I’ll come home and watch any movie you want.”  Yes. Romantic comedies would be my answer.

3. What is your favourite sport (to watch or participate in)? Running. I’ve run a couple of marathons. While I haven’t run much recently, I hope to get back to it. However at a much shorter distance than the 26.2 miles. I love watching it during the Olympics – any length.

4. What is your favourite sound? Songbirds. I always remember my mom commenting every sleepy August, “It’s all quiet now. The songbirds have stopped.” Love the sound of their chirping, heralding the arrival of Spring.

5. Coke or Pepsi? Easy. Coke. I used to travel with Mom on buying trips to Thailand when I worked in her Asian antiques shop. Every Thai merchant we visited would offer warm Pepsi with a straw upon arrival. It was impolite to leave even a drop in the bottle. We visited several each day which meant the consumption of multiple warm Pepsi. Am not terribly fond of them now.

6. Do you have a special talent? Yes, I can whistle through my fingers. Like a trooper. Would strip paint off walls. Reduces grown men to tears.

7. PC or Mac? Mac, Mac, Mac. Best perk? Apple customer service. Love it. 

8. What is your favourite vacation spot? Depends on duration. Short duration: San Francisco. Love everything about it – from Fisherman’s Wharf to Union Square to the cable cars. Have to stand on outside and lean way out on cable cars. Long duration: Elua Beach, Maui. Heaven on earth. Gorgeous beach. Perfect spot to recharge.

9. Do you collect anything? I used to collect pigs. No, not live ones but anything cute and quirky in the shape of a pig. Not sure why I stopped. Maybe because I’m in a “cut back on the clutter” phase. Although my daughter would laugh as she thinks our house is quite cluttered still …

10. If you could instantly be an expert in any field, what would it be? Languages. I would love to be able to speak several languages fluently. I was the registrar for my kids’ swim club for six years. If I could speak Mandarin, life would have been a lot easier on many of the  parents seeking information about our club. I’d love to be able to order a bottle of sunscreen in a small pharmacy in Montreal without my French Immersion children sniggering at my French. And yes, it would have been lovely to have been able to ask in Thai for an alternative to Pepsi.

Now it’s my turn to ask the questions. My 10 nominees for the Sunshine Award are:

Jane at RetroLoveAffair

Susan at Wonderment Collecting

Wendy at Very SummerHill

The Royal Post

Alice at Reiki Pulse

Courtney at Zaco Creations

Andi at La Free Boheme

Alyssa at AlyssaBNoel

Barbara at Funky Rosebud Studio

Helen at Flash of Inspiration

Dear Nominees: Please know that this is not a chain letter – nothing untoward will befall you should you choose not to participate. If you wish to just answer the questions I’m fine with that, too. But if you Do want to join in the fun, here are the “rules”:

1. Include the award logo in a post or on your blog.

2. Link to the person who nominated you.

3. Answer 10 questions about yourself and write 10 questions for your nominees to answer

4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.


Ready to play? Excellent. Here are my questions for you:

1. Cats or Dogs?

2. Would you rather come back as a man or a woman?

3. Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction?

4. What did you want to be when you grew up?

5. What is your most favourite method of transportation?

6. Would you rather live in a hot climate or a cold climate?

7. Are you a “visual” or “auditory” learner?

8. Do you prefer to live in the city or in the country?

9. Do you prefer savoury or sweet dishes?

10. Are you a night owl or morning person?


A special note for Mo – Thank you! This was such fun.

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3 Responses

  1. Kelly, you are hilarious! You have definitely made me want to have a Rom-Com movie marathon. I can certainly understand your aversion to Pepsi – especially warm Pepsi. Gross! I’m so glad you enjoyed this project. I enjoyed reading your responses!

    1. Pleasure, Barbara! Thank you for participating. I loved your responses and left comments on your site. Looking forward to seeing the answers you get from your nominees!

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