Five short weeks until my babies leave home.

I’ve got to get cracking on my to-do list. Now.

I should clarify that this is not the “perfect mommy list”  that encompasses the things I want to do with my children before they leave, ie: one last trip to Buntzen lake with the dog, a final walk around the West Vancouver Seawall or our last trip to the delicious Savary Island Pie Company.  Nope – this is the “selfish mommy list.’

Rather than itemize them all here now, I’ve set myself a challenge. I’m going to blog about them individually as they are completed. Otherwise I suspect the list will remain just that. A list.

First one on the agenda? IMG_2426

Deal with this stack of bluestone tiles that has been languishing in my carport for the past three years. 

My sister kindly bequeathed them to me when she redid part of her backyard. Since the fellow hauled them out of his truck that hot June afternoon they have been patiently waiting for me. Although I see them every day when I park next to them I conveniently forget about them. Why? They are devilishly heavy. Each one must weigh at least 90 pounds or more.

Why push them into the number one spot?  Henry, my go-to-guy for heavy lifting won’t be around in five weeks. Each tile is a two person job.

It was important to carefully  time the request for help. We are currently enjoying a hot spell; anytime after 10:00 in the morning and the searing temperatures would make this job quite unpleasant. As Henry swims every morning from 6:00 – 7:45 it was obvious that I shouldn’t mention it until he’d eaten. A full lad is a happy lad.

He agreed immediately; clearly he believed the task was beyond me.

“Mom. Those things are really heavy. I don’t think you’ll be able to lift your side.’

Oh really? Is he not aware this sort of comment is equivalent to waving a red flag in front of a bull? Come hell or high water I was going to do my very best to lift ’em.

I’m not foolish. We’d be using our large blue tarp to hold the bulk of the weight.

Long story short. We managed to move four. It’s a start. Yes, they were heavy and yes my biceps are still a tad sore two days later.

This is where one of them ended up. IMG_2444

The best part of the task? Overhearing Henry quietly advising his sister “you’re not as strong as Mom.”

Not true, but delightful to hear.

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6 Responses

  1. Can’t wait to read the rest of the items on your list! Way to go you strong mama you! (in more ways than one!)

    1. Hahaha – love that line “… you strong mama you!” Funny. Thanks Tracey. There’s a couple of interesting items on the list … some I’m dreading. However – in for a penny, in for a pound.

  2. Kelly, your conversation with your son made me smile. I felt like I was right there at the breakfast table with you both.

    This isn’t such a totally selfish mommy list, from what I can tell. You seem to be creating memories none of you are likely to forget. Crazy, real family memories (you know, in a good way).

    I love it.


  3. your outlook is such a great lesson for so many empty nesters, well done you, xo

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