These days it’s easy not to think about September and the fact that both my children will be 3000 miles away.  Every minute is full. If I’m not driving them to work or swim practice, I’m shopping, cooking or doing copious laundry shifts. At least it seems that way.  However, reality hits home during those rare moments when I sneak a peek at the calendar. Crikey. In … less …  than … two months all of this frantic activity will come to a dead halt. For the first time in 20 years my only pertinent responsibilities will be a dog and a rabbit.

How will I cope? What will I do?

A weeny voice  rises within my head. “Ok. Time for some slow, deep, calming breaths. Get a grip my dear. Your situation is not unique. You can do this.”



Yes, imagine, Kelly.

Imagine a life like Mom’s.


 Everyone, this is my mom Frankie. Can you guess how old she is? Bet you can’t.

She’s …turning … 91 this September. Yes, 91.

If anyone has dealt with a wealth of transitions it’s her.

The very day I entered grade one (I’m the youngest of three)  Mom enrolled in first year classes at the University of British Columbia. She went on to get her BA and her MA. and after teaching at UBC in the Fine Arts Department  for seven years, she opened her own antique shop  specializing in Asian pieces. It ran successfully for 17 years; quite an achievement when you consider she had zero business experience. As she is delighted to admit, even the term “cash flow” meant nothing in the early days.

My dad passed away in 2006 and after over 60 years of marriage Mom moved into her own apartment. She had to create a new life, one without her husband. How’d she do? Better than well. Amongst other things, she appointed herself the social coordinator for her building, joined several book groups, took up bridge and threw herself back into painting. She is now selling her artwork.  All of this after the age of 84.


A Frankie original

Yes, I don’t know how I’ll cope come September. However, I do know that I’ll look to you and your endless examples. Thanks Mom. You’re one heck of a role model.







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9 Responses

  1. Love this, Kelly. I am looking forward to which hat you’ll be trying on after M and H leave.

  2. mother’s teaching daughters… all their lives, bless her, your mum is so remarkable, lucky you… it sounds like more adventures ahead!!

    1. Hope so Nonie! Thanks for reading and commenting. Hopefully you can meet her in September.

  3. Wow, your mom is absolutely inspiring! And she looks awesome for 91! My grandmother is 91 and still gardens, lives in her own house…. we have years and years of amazing living ahead of us!!

    Enjoy your summer with your kids ~ “half over” means there still half of it left!!!

    1. Wow – love to hear that you also have a nonagenarian in your life. Even better that she’s also thriving! May they and us have lots and lots of healthy years ahead!

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