First day of Grade One and Grade Two
First day of Grade One and Grade Two


Wow. Can it really be 12 years ago that this photo was taken? I am sitting here stunned.

Tuesday, September 4th, 2001. I remember the day clearly. Even though it was one of those hot September mornings, Meredith insisted she wear her star fleece jacket that her aunt gave her the previous Christmas. With her hair in braids, the growing-out-bangs carefully clipped back in a barrette, she was so excited that Henry would be joining her at school. Henry, a little resistant to wearing his big boy plaid vest,  agreed to my taking “just one photo.”

It was a slow start that first week of school. For reasons known only to them, the school had the children return to the teacher of the previous year or be placed temporarily with another. They weren’t settled with their “real” teacher for at least a week; a move not terribly popular with the parents. The kids were on hold, treading water and putting in time. We felt helpless. Several made comments that “we should have stayed on holiday for another week.”

How was it for the students though? I can only speak for my two. Meredith was placed with a girl she liked and all was well. Henry, was placed with the grade seven teacher. Obviously ill-equipped to teach the six-year olds, Mr. Fisher led his temporary charges in rousing games of tag and soccer and endless sessions of colouring and puzzle making. Quickly assessing my lad, he astutely nicknamed him “Cowboy”; a moniker Henry adored and one that stuck for the remaining years he taught at the school.

And how was it for me with my youngest off at  school? Honestly, it felt good. I finally had six full hours to myself. As I worked from home, this “free time” was pure gold.

Yes, on Tuesday, September 4th, 2001, Grade 12 for both Henry and Meredith was a distant, wispy concept. I”m grateful I had no idea how fast the years would fly.


















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4 Responses

  1. The years really do fly by, Kelly. It’s hard for me to believe it has been 13 years since we sent our son off to college and now he is married with one year old twins! Wishing you peace and happiness in your empty nest and the opportunity to have joyful reunions with your kids when they come home!

    1. Thank you Mo! I am zipping out to Montreal to meet up with them both over Thanksgiving (Canadian one!) so it’ll be a short break before we reunite! Looking forward to reading more about your adorable twins. Hope you can see them soon.

  2. Kelly,

    I love your remembering. I don’t know about you, but I had no idea my life would go this fast. It’s so evident in our kids, eh?

    I noticed something about my daughter’s son who is just starting to walk–he’s walking away from her. They do walk away from us–it’s what we prepare them and ourselves for. Yet when it happens, it feels like a biggieboo.

    Enjoy your zip to Montreal and what is the start of new kinds of gatherings.
    Kiss the joy as it flies, Susan

    1. “Kiss the joy as it flies.” Love it. Thanks, Susan, needed that. I will make every effort to do so. I’m with you on the unawareness of life zipping by front. When I was younger time kind of ambled, then cranked right down to molasses when my two were weensy. And then whoa – somebody pressed the fast forward button!

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