This is such a sad post to write and I offer it up as yet another reminder for dog walkers to be vigilant when walking, even at the dog park.


 With so much free time on my hands now, I’ve frequently been walking Poppy, our three-year old border collie mix, at the local park. It’s beautiful. A 48 hectare wonder of meandering trails, babbling brooks and a wealth of cedar, pine and towering maples. Poppy and I can quite happily pass at least an hour there.

We’ve gotten to know a lot of the regulars. As is typical, I have no idea of the owners names, just the dogs.

This past Monday, at the grassy, flat, wedge-shaped dog park that is tucked into the northern corner of the park we ran into Shikaloo and her owner. In her late sixties, the spry gray-haired woman was sporting a whistle around her neck.

“Shikaloo is a runner. She’ll chase cars, squirrels, dogs … anything that moves. I use the whistle to get her attention.”

An energetic 16 month shepherd cross, Shikaloo was the perfect pal for Poppy. As my dog isn’t fond of zooming around on flat land for some reason, I suggested she and Shikaloo join us on a hike up through the steep trails that border the ravine.

It was perfect. The dogs zoomed amongst the towering conifers, playing tag, and we followed behind at a much slower pace.

I learned from her that this dog was her most difficult to train in over 50 years of dog ownership; her hunting instinct over powered everything. However, once pup was home she turned into the loving, quiet dog that led the woman to adopt her a few months back. As we parted, I nearly gave her my phone number to set up future walks but got distracted by Poppy’s interest in a pile of muddy leaves.

Today, down by the dog park area, I came across these signs taped to the waste bag dispenser.



The bottom sheet sadly announces that Shikaloo darted under the temporary fencing lining the dog park and ran onto the adjacent freeway. She was killed instantly.

The top sheet is a petition asking for permanent fencing to be erected immediately.

The owner signed her name. It’s Jean.


Who personally checks the perimeter of a dog park? I certainly don’t.

I will from now on.

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2 Responses

  1. Oh, Kelly, how sad. I’m with you. I wouldn’t think to check the perimeter. What a shocking loss for all the pals at the dog park.

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