The time has come. My two children are no longer at home – they are both ensconced in universities across the country. It’s just me, Poppy and Bonanza.

My Housemates
My Housemates


How am I doing? Well, it’s early days yet. I just got back from helping them get settled into their new homes a week ago today. So far my days have been full which is good. A wise friend (yes you LF) advised me that it’s good to keep busy when the house is empty. If you’re busy, you’ve less time to notice the empty rooms, the silence etc. That’s true – it is pretty quiet around here.

As regards to those empty bedrooms:  It hurts to go by them. NO two rooms could be more different. Truly.

How I wish I could post photos here to show you. However, I cannot. My relationship with my son could be severed, or at the very least, permanently damaged.

My daughter’s room is immaculate. She wisely chose to stay home the two days before we flew east, to clean, pack and organize. As a result every article of clothing is lovingly placed in its correct home, the floor is spotless, the bed is made. In truth, it is currently the cleanest room in the house. It is the perfect spot to escape to whenever a mental health break is in order.

My son’s room, on the other hand, is chaos. The bed is not made. It is just as he left it when he leapt out of it at dawn to catch our early flight. Balls of clothes (dirty? clean?) are strewn on the floor and every spare inch of furniture is littered with either dust or hay. (Bonanza sleeps in his room – hence the hay). My lad seems to have a bag for every occasion – swimming, school, staying overnight with pals. After I kicked them from the doorway they now lie in a tumbled heap beside his bed. For some reason, his fan is no longer on his chair but residing upside down at the foot of his bed. God help me if the public health department comes calling.

How can I leave it that way? Well, I’ll get to it when our lovely sunny days turn to those inevitable rainy ones. It can keep. I’ll just shut the door when friends drop by. I’d shut it all the time if not for Bonanza, the rabbit. She needs to be part of the mix when she’s not outside enjoying the sun.

And the move east? How did that go? Oh, I’ve got stories! Can you say “hotel vs hovel?” Stay tuned.

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7 Responses

  1. Not that you have to listen to your big sis and here’s what comes to mind for me. How depressing would it be to clean, sort and fluff Hman’s room on a dark, grey and gloomy day? How about biting the sunshine bullet and blitzing it in an hour of sunshine? Tada, I said it! Love ya Kel.

    1. How very true Wend! Thanks for the advice. Hmmm. Tell you what – supposed to be sunny tomorrow too. Maybe I can do some cleaning today and some tomorrow… probably a little less onerous that way.

  2. What a wise sister you have! I’m guessing you will feel much better as soon as there is a little order in the room!

    1. She is very wise Mo! And so are you! Thanks for your inspiring thoughts. I’ll tackle it today!!! “Rubber gloves, dust mask, puffer …”

  3. Pingback: Hotel vs Hovel

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