Cast your eyes on the beaut above. Does it have you thinking of Easter? Would you like me to ship it to you for your festive Easter display? I’d be delighted. And guess what? There are at least ten more such wonderful bags available! Yes. It’s your lucky day.
It’s my dear mother’s fault. She phoned me a few week’s back all in a positively charged swivet.
“Kelly, I’ve just read the most marvelous book. Well, actually I read 80 (of the 214 index included) pages and it’s changed my life. C (grandchild number four) has helped me clean out my clothes cupboards (and drawers) and we’ve assembled 13 bags for donation and consignment. I’ve found clothes I’ve forgotten I even had. It’s like going shopping. Absolutely marvelous.”
For those of you new to this blog, that comment above, delivered with apoplectic enthusiasm, is typical of my 92 year-old mom. As I’ve said here many times before she has more energy most days than me.
And my response? Not as excited as perhaps she would have liked. I’d heard it before. You see, I joined an online book club and we are reading SoulSpace by Xorin Balbes. His intention is to have you:
“Transform Your Home, Transform Your Life – Creating a Home That Is Free of Clutter, Full of Beauty, and Inspired by You.”
It’s brilliant. I didn’t think there was another book out there as good. I was wrong.
Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up
Yes, I took Mom at her word ( and heeded the urging of the book’s actual owner my ever so clever niece A) and gave it a read. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is written by Marie Kondo. It focuses on “The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.”
My thoughts? The two books compliment each other beautifully. Both urge the reader to create a home that you love; one that makes you happy. Surround yourself with things that give you joy.
Ok. So how to get to the joy?
Sort through everything. EVERYTHING. Make keep and turf piles based on the question of “does this give you joy?”
I understand if you’re puzzled as to the reason for the frenzied shredding that is going on here.
Well, I’ve given some serious thought to the place in my house where I spend most of my time. The room where I write. And what did I discover? I’ve been churning out Just TypiKels and submissions to anthologies and toying with the idea of a book in a space that was decorated by my late husband over 20 years ago. His favourite painting hung on the wall above the computer, his professional awards decorated the nearby walls.
Xorin Balbes of SoulSpace believes in order to achieve success you should surround yourself with things that inspire you. The lightbulb blinked and finally went on. That piece I wrote about enjoying two decades worth of pumpkin patch visits with another family that was published by the Vancouver Sun? I framed it but never put it up. That painting of bow ties that my late dad adored and I now cherish? It was languishing on a wall in the living room. That letter of rejection from a much admired anthology editor which urged me to “Never Give Up!”? Printed but hidden away. I’m delighted to say all three are now up and watching over me as I write.
How do I feel? Lighter, freer and spurred on to tidy up more.
So. On to the filing cabinet that sits beside my writing desk and until this Monday was chock-a-block full. I got either stinging hangnails or bloody papercuts every time I tried to jam yet one more piece of paper inside. What was so important in there that I needed to keep? Brace yourselves. Amongst the highlights of out of date maps, ages old warranties and guidebooks, were Income Tax returns dating back to the ’80’s. Uh huh. Did you know that Canadians need keep only returns from the last six years? I Googled it.
Hence the extensive shredding.
And on the highly unlikely chance that the chap who years ago loaned me his shredder and joked later that I’d “probably burned out the motor” stumbles across this post, rest assured. I haven’t. It’ll make its way home once I’m done. Promise.

This post was inspired by the Finish the Sentence prompt of “The first thing you must do to take over the world is…” I’m tweaking it a bit and running with “The first thing I must do to take over MY world is read these two gems.” Our host, as ever is the delightful Kristi Campbell, Tonight’s guest hosts are Michelle and Anna.
Just a heads up I’m not getting a dime to promote either book. If you are thinking about bringing a bit more joy into your life I urge you to get your hands on both of these. Truly.
Enough about me and the life-changing magic of tidying up. I’m curious about you. Are you like many of my pals and have a place for everything in your home? Or are you like me and find your dining room table makes the most marvelous filing cabinet of all? If you’d care to share, I’d love to hear.
56 Responses
Okay, you got me. I’m a clean-as-you-go person, and not a binge cleaner. In fact, I HATE binge cleaning (you know, when you spend an entire day tidying up a file cabinet or closet). I’ll do it, if I’m being held at gunpoint. But short of that, it ain’t gonna happen. So I guess I’ll need to read those books to see if I can be inspired. Or maybe I need a phone call from some reality TV show about chronic non-binge cleaners?
(BTW, good for you to redecorate your office. I realize that it must have been emotionally difficult, but I applaud your bravery!!!)
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up will help you with the binge cleaning Anna. She believes one only need do it once! Yes! And do it by category, not rooms. For example – deal with all of your clothes at one time, not just the ones in the bedroom. Pull out all of your clothes from every room. This is a novel concept for me as I am a “clean one room at a time” kind of gal. I’m going to try it once I get the filing cabinet sorted. And by the by, can I interest you in some of that lovely Easter shredded paper?
Thanks for the kind words re my bravery. I do feel lighter after the office clean!
I’d LIKE to be a clean-as-you-go-er, like my Mom tried oh so hard to get into my brain. In reality, I’m more like the binge cleaner. OK, in fact I am one. 😀 But over the summer we did a Great Clean and Purge project and it was liberating, I tell you. Liberating. We got rid of so much stuff, got things in order, and kicked it all (very literally) to the curb. And here…six months later…I want to do it again. I find myself looking at things that I thought I couldn’t bear to part with and wondering why the hell I still have them.
I am looking forward to paring back even more! Send your Mom over here if she’s not busy…
Oh Lisa – get your hands on The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. In it she states that you only need to one huge binge. Do it by category. I won’t go on and on here but I think it might work. I’m going to try it. Love that you also found the purge liberating. I am so looking forward to getting to that point where SO much stuff is out of here! Thanks for the motivational push. I’m off to continue shredding!
Well, my dining room table is also a catch all, as well as our extra bedroom, which has been on my “too do” list for over a year. As much as I hate clutter, it is so hard not to have it. Those books sound great ! I know I always feel much better after purging and decluttering . Good for you for the redecorating !
Jane – the SoulSpace one is on my kindle so unable sadly to share with you. I’ll see if A has any one else on her sharing list for the Life- Changing Magic one once I’ve finished reading it. You would love both books I know. Both are written in an easy to grasp way. Everything seems manageable and nothing is overwhelming. Hope that makes sense.
Kudos Kelly! Clutter free, happy and surrounded by that which you love and are proud of , inspirational!!
Could they write a guide on the art of decluttering a husbands garage!! Good grief!!
Gotta fly, my paper shredder just jammed!!
Hahaha! Oh Janice you should see this paper shredder I’m using. It jams and overheats in a blink of an eye. I know I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth but … And did I mention it’s not really mine? Sheesh. Gonna have the local RCMP knocking on my door after this post. Fire the books at G perhaps. Maybe that’ll inspire him to gut?
One of my 2013 resolutions was to organize for 20 minutes a week. At the time, I *meant* old stuff but it quickly turned to new stuff – school projects, mail, donations, outgrown kid items… and well my office is still a disaster. I want to do this… can you just come over??? Or send your mom in her purple pants? That would inspire me!! 🙂
Hahahah! Yes, I shall send Mom over in her purple pants. I really must ask her if during her clothing purge she came upon a pair. My niece shared that Mom had over 10 pairs of jeans … we are still howling over that.
Wow Kelly – back to the 80’s! I love each year that I get the shred a tax year. I love being clutter free. I do need to do another overhaul of my closet. Though I’m just afraid that it would look empty after I got rid of everything I don’t wear anymore.
Love the stories of your mom. I’ll click over to read that next.
Oh Kenya. You sound just like a lovely friend of mine who has the cleanest, most welcoming home. She is always on top of things and really enjoys her house. As for the tax returns, I suspect she’d be horrified to learn I still had them from the 80’s. Good thing she doesn’t read my blog …
Thank you for popping over to read more about mom. She’d like that!
I’m sitting in my “Gozinto” room right now. You know, when something doesn’t have a place, it goes-into this room! I feel inspired and want to change it. I like thinking of surrounding myself with things I love – DUH. But I’ve got to do it. Maybe a big cup of Tim Hortons and a 10 pack of Timbits will get me going. Baby steps! In all seriousness, it’s on the list.
Yes, it’s all about the doing, isn’t it? If not for this online book club (our first book is SoulSpace) I’d not have begun the purge. Then to be spurred on by mom and her 13 bags of clothing well I saw it as a sign to keep going. Come on Katy. Join me! We can do this. I’ll bring the Timbits and the coffee and perhaps you can provide the Krispy Kremes. We’ll slim down our stock of stuff while enlarging our bodies. Wait. What?
The office, along with the file cabinets, are Hubby’s domain. Mainly because we have different ideas of what we should save (him-everything) and what we should toss (me-purge as you go). About twice a year when he can’t find something he goes on a big paper cleanup and comes up with reams of things to shred.
When can I pop down with mine? Next week too soon?
Sure! However, the shredder is just about out of warranty, which means it will break down in the middle of the next big shredding event. If you come, bring cash to chip in for a new one 🙂
Hahaha! Ok will do!
Great work, Kelly! I’m so glad you’re turning your office into a space that is inspiring for you!
Do these books have any tips for how to organize when your entire house is a playroom for two little ones who seem determined to make sure they are using as many different toys as possible at once? And who fall apart whenever anyone dares to “mess up” their stuff, which needs to take up as much floor space in every room as possible to meet their requirements? 🙂
To be fair, though, I have plenty of other clutter I could clean up. I have bags and boxes full of old bills that I intend to shred, but I have put off actually purchasing a shredder for..oh…just a few months now…I’m sure I used to have one…perhaps if the basement were less cluttered, I might be able to find it… 🙂
Donna I am right there with you. Oh those toys! I wish I could fire a “fast forward” button to you so that you could picture your home of the future where toys are either gone or tucked away neatly. Having said that I bet The Life-Changing Magic book touches on that problem of toy clutter. I’m only on page 60. She truly is a wonder. If I do read about it I’ll let you know.
Too bad you don’t live near me. I’d hand over this shredder. Nope it’s not mine but seeing as I’ve had it for a good six years or so I’m sure the owner wouldn’t mind another year or so of not having it back … Thank you for letting me know I’m not alone in the being drowned by paper department. Off to shred some more …
Okay, Kelly – you have seriously inspire me! I just ordered both books (you should have set up an affiliated link:)). I swear someone else just told me about Souls Space. Maybe it was you? I don’t know, but either way – I’m on it!
This is just the coolest. I am so happy Allie and am quite sure you’ll love them. Looking forward to hearing how your joy gathering goes.
It warmed my heart to read that you have posted your proud moments on your walls in your office. Even the rejection letter with the uplifting words! How cool… Hopefully in a future post you will share photos of your new office ‘look’?
I finally went to B&N ( I am a paper book gal because I like to highlight and write notes in the margins) and bought the Magic of Tidying up since so many of you in the SoulSpace book club have commented on how great it is. I am excited to read it soon.
How sweet that you are using Linda Watson’s bookmark for your book! 🙂
Love that you noticed Linda’s bookmark! Yes, I use it all the time now for every book. I am so glad you’ve got a copy of the Magic of Tidying Elda. I found it was the perfect compliment to SoulSpace. Looking forward to hearing what changes you make in your life because of it.
I so agree with you, Kelly
We keep accumulating junk and esp the paper and those bills that as years go by they pile up.
We usually do our shredding n cleaing during the holidays. More so since we all at home, and what a way to start a new year 😉
You see this is the thing that I’m missing. A regular time that you shred and clean up. How clever Ruchira. If I had a regular time to do it then I wouldn’t be spending hours and hours shredding things that should have been shredded 20 years ago. Oh boy. Hopefully this will spur me on to do it on a regular basis.
I am one of those gals. It’s taken a few moves and a shift in thinking about attachment to things. It’s so hard letting go of stuff because of what that stuff means. That’s the biggie boo.
But not everyone thinks my zen-like decor is so hot. One sister says, “Oh my gosh, it’s austere here,” as she puts her feet up and I hear deep breaths. (It does calm her down!) We laugh, as she says (often!) I’m lucky to have her because if ever I need anything she has it.
Now, tax returns? I’m right there with you making big shred bags.
Grinning over your sister’s comment about her having something you might need. Oh that is good. Wonder if my dear sister would like some books … about 453 books. Hmmmm…
I’m one of those people who is all about getting rid of the clutter. Now, if I could just teach the 3 boys thatI live with how great the concept is.
That is where it must get tricky. Convincing others that it is time to “let something(s) go.” Happily I am doing this on my own right now. Story could be a little different come April. “Mom where is my …?”
I LOVE cleaning, throwing out, making space, tidying up… when I actually DO it. Which is hardly ever. I always say the day I loved most in our house was just before the movers arrived with all our stuff! You’re inspirational…!
Grinning here over the concept of loving your house the most before the movers arrive! Spent the morning walking the dog and then cleaning. It is amazing how the shredded bits of paper have managed to find their way all over the house. Yes, I even found some in my son’s bedroom in the rabbit’s cage. How is that possible?
Hi Kelly,
Wow. That is so great! I love what you discovered about what needs to go up on your walls. That is fabulous. I actually found this post by accident while I was googling for the Facebook group. Kismet. Why on earth was I googling for the group? To find this post, of course! haha.
I talked with my sister, Kimberly Jewell, last night about the group. We talked about my “corner” which is my desk that I NEVER use. My husband works from home and he uses the couch while MY desk sits fallow. I told my sister that I realized that I don’t need ANY of it. I have two filing cabinets stuffed with papers and a huge bookcase filled with books I never look at. I decided that I am going to make a deal with him – he can have his own desk there with all my crap gone and I get a new couch for the other corner of the room. I haven’t told him this yet, but I am hoping that he will love the idea. Thanks for being so motivating!!
Ohhhhhh Kimberly J is your sister! Of course. That makes sense. She’s lovely. I love your idea about donating your desk to your husband. This journey has taught me so much – especially about stuff that I was blind to. Off to shred. Yet again.
I’m over here, chanting: SHRED, SHRED, SHRED!!
And I hear ya! Thank you!
Living in 400 square feet of rolling fiberglass and metal…aka fifth wheel, kinda forces the issue of ‘clean and tidy’. Having said that….I also know that I’m really good at hiding the ‘clutter’ behind the cabinet doors. Fifth wheels have all these great little cabinets…in every little nook and cranny….which I delight in filling up with all kinds of things! My biggest problem is definitely my creative supplies and my clothes. Both areas are in need of a major overhaul….maybe I’ll tackle that today….or many not….’chuckle, chuckle’
And? Did you get to them?
This has come at a perfect time. I’m soon to be undergoing the monumental project of helping clean out my sister’s house for sale. Her partner is having a tough time with all of this and feeling a bit overwhelmed. I think we should both read book #1 before we begin!
Oh you are the perfect person to help. Yes, I would get the books. Especially the Life -Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It is full of great advice about the importance of sorting things in a certain order. For example – don’t start with photos. Save them for last. Start with clothes, then books, then papers , then photos. Really good stuff in both that book and the SoulSpace one. I can’t say enough about either really. Good luck Mo. Sending you a jumbo hug.
I just finished reading Naomi’s post, now yours… I think the Universe is trying to tell me something. I don’t think I’m into organising enough to survive a whole book about it, but I can probably handle 80 pages if it brings the same results.
Well Mom only read 80 and she felt she got the gist of it. I read the whole of SoulSpace and am 1/2 way through the Life-Changing Magic and I’m feeling quite inspired. Go for it Tat.
Yay Kelly for creating office space that is SoulSpace. And how fun your ever-delightful mom headed you in the direction of the Tidying-Up book. I’ve just finished it as well, and I, too, have the bags of shredded paper to prove it. 🙂
Bless you Deborah. You’ve given me much needed support to keep shredding. Off to shred more.
Well, I hadn’t read the books. And just got done reading your blog post. But I must have been at an energetic level to have absorbed some of this somehow. Last week I took in a truckload…yes a pickup box truck load of boxes filled with all that you can imagine from kitchen to bedroom closet and everything in between of donations. And then, both Handyman and I hated our couch so much we went out and bought a new one. Arriving in about 90 days. 🙂 Progress of decluttering is in the making around here for sure!! Thank you for the heads up and the books. A must read for sure. 🙂
Wow – that is hugely inspirational Kelli. Good on you. And done “bookless.” Damn impressive. You must feel a whole lot lighter now, eh? So nice that you have a bit of a wait for the couch too. You can declutter to your heart’s content.
I tidy up as I go. I hate clutter, and it drives me crazy that the other people I live with couldn’t care less.
Last week I spent a few hours at my parents’ house, helping my mom clean out the unfinished part of the basement. We tossed (donated) at least five comforter sets, six throw pillows, and four winter coats. I also came home with my baby blanket and a few stuffed animals.
Come on over Dana! I’ll even let you be in charge of the shredder if you like!
Dana – can you come to my house too? Maybe a little of your cleanliness could rub off on me? heehee
I have to have a place for everything otherwise i’d go nuts. My mum used to be strict when it came to cleanliness and putting back things where it belonged. I guess it came with growing up but when I’m lazy and tired I couldn’t care less…love your posts Kelly…good read:)
Thank you
Had a friend over yesterday who is just like you. Everything has a home and it usually gets returned there. Somehow I didn’t get that gene …
Ah good for you! Mother knows best, as what they say. 🙂 I have been trying to de-clutter but stuff keep on piling right back up! The last time we moved, I did a yard sale and donated everything that weren’t sold. I think I wanna do that again. The yard sale and donating, not the moving. 😀
That’s the same for me – the clutter just keeps piling back on. So that’s why we need this Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book Jhanis. It’s all about doing a one time purge. Magical. I’ve done many yards sales and donations. Hopefully this purge which I suspect will take me many months, will be it. I’ll keep ya posted.
Kelly, your Easter basket fluff is inspiring. I’ve been living in my home for fourteen years — the longest I’ve ever lived in one spot — and the clutter is starting to show. Well, it’s been showing for about thirteen-point-seven-five years, to tell you the truth. I love the idea of letting go of things that don’t bring joy any longer, and I love the idea of you updating your office to reflect your vision of the future, with a few (bow) ties to the past.
I’m curious about the work you’re submitting to anthologies. Tell us more!
Easter basket fluff! Yes that’s the title I was looking for. I’m now peddling it as confetti. Would you like me to ship you some? Daisy and Gloria would have a field day. Poppy adores rolling around in the countless random bits that escape the bags. As for letting go of things that no longer give me joy? It’s rather liberating. I’m not there fully yet. Once I can give up the shredding I can move on to books and clutter. The key take away from the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book that I think you’d appreciate Harmony is that before you release something she advises us to thank it for being in our lives. I like that. LOTS of thanking going on here, I must say.