How Can We Possibly Say Goodbye?
“How can we possibly say goodbye?” is the question I’ve been struggling with over the past few weeks. I’m sorry
“How can we possibly say goodbye?” is the question I’ve been struggling with over the past few weeks. I’m sorry
New York – where the future comes to audition, is the topic for today’s Just TypiKel. I admit it. I
How my late 101-year-old mom continues to enhance my life is the topic for today’s Just TypiKel. Hi. If you’re
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Kelly McKenzie worked at her mother’s Vancouver Asian antique store for over a decade. After struggling to make her first sale, she went on to become her mother’s dependable right-hand gal, picking up bookkeeping skills, marathon running and a husband along the way.
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20 Responses
Do tell!
Ok! A jewel thief. All you need are: a pair of cotton gloves (dollar store variety), pair of black jeans, black turtleneck, black beanie (toque for us Canucks), a penlight flashlight, and some colorful bead necklaces. Get dressed, complete with hat and gloves and stick the penlight in one front pocket on your jeans and stuff the necklaces in the other pocket. Let them spill out of the pocket. Option: a mask like the Lone Ranger would wear. Or black circles of makeup around your eyes, or a streak of black (baseball style) under each eye. Et voila.
Thanks for asking, Kathy. You get the prize. A 2000 lb pumpkin. Where would you like me to send it?
Wow! I never win anything! If you send it virtually to my email address I’ll virtually send you back some puree 🙂
Oh yes, sounds perfect. Let me know when you get it.
I was wondering, too! Bridget’s annual costume: She wears pajamas and she is the kid who should be in bed!
Aw. Did she go as that again this year, Kerri?
I was wondering too! My son is going as a GI Joe Ninja! I remember your post about how you almost set your house on fire 🙂
Yes, Kristi, that story is one that will live forever in the hearts of me, my family, my friends, my neighbors … I still can’t quite believe it happened. I sure hope T had a wonderful Halloween.
I’m so lame with costumes. This is a great idea. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Its such an easy peasy costume, Lana. Thanks for your kind wishes. I was fine for Halloween and then came down with a doozy of a cold on Sunday. Always have to keep these colds a secret from Mum (she can catch them over the phone!) so the last couple days have been a bit of a dance. However, am much better now. Off to catch up on two teens and their mama!
Fingers crossed you collect a lot of delicious treats! 🙂
Hi! Well, I didn’t actually go door to door, Deborah. I handed out candy and had an overwhelming crowd of – wait for it – 13! One of the 13 was a repeat. She was the first and the last. Came first with her dad and then again with her babysitter. At 8:15 I needed a true Halloween fix and because it was so quiet, shut my house down and walked about with my dog for an hour. So fun taking in all the costumed littlies and fireworks and energy! And what did I do with my leftover candy? Mailed it right off to my college two.
I’m spending my Halloween in the scariest setting of them all…I am going to a Halloween wedding! Happy Halloween!
Oh Rena, this is SO cool. How was it? Was it performed in a graveyard?
Excellent costume idea! I’ll have to remember that if I ever get invited to a costume party. Last night we went out to dinner while my teen and her friends stayed home and answered the door. Best Halloween in years!
Oh that sounds great, Dana. I was so disappointed as my side of the street was “the dark side” with only two of us shelling out the candy. The other side was full on busy. Love that your daughter and pals kept the tradition alive! I used to either hire a housesitter or leave a bowl of candy out when I zipped about with my two costumed littlies.
Love it! Now if I could only stop being freaked out by your picture. It looks…edible?!
Ha! Too funny. Yes, Katy – they are delicious. My friend makes them every year. I attempted them once and the fingers ballooned to giant sausages. My son’s soccer mates were very perplexed when I handed them out at practise. Probably still talking about them.
Oh my gosh that is GRUESOME!!! I will scroll back up to see how to create this gory costume!!!
Ha! Love your response, Chris. The costume I was referring to was that of a burglar. Black jeans, black turtleneck, cotton gloves, black beanie, a penlight flashlight in one pocket and oodles of beaded necklaces spilling out of the other.