Several weeks ago my online blogging pal Helen asked if I would partake in her virtual blog hop. Of course I said yes. Then I realised I would be answering the same four questions I answered just recently in the Full Disclosure post. Now wouldn’t that be fun for you to reread? Uh no. However, a promise is a promise so I shall deal with the situation in my own just typikel fashion.
First off who’s Helen? She is a talented photographer who lives in the north of England. On her blog, A Flash of Inspiration, her pictures and witty comments instantly transport me. I’m right there walking with her along the country lane with bunnies hopping at my feet. Or I scrambling over the crumbling wall to get a better look at the rusty pylons teetering on the river bank.
She is a gem and I do hope she forgives me for “tweaking” the format!
Ok, let the games begin!
1. What am I working on?
Macarons anyone? Just yesterday I took a two-hour course on how to create these delicious gems.

It came about as a result of last Saturday’s grad reunion. Long story short, after blathering on about the various cooking classes I’d taken Sarah piped up and said she’d love to do the macarons class with me. It was something she’d been meaning to do for years. Of course, she had me at macarons.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Well, they were not as uniform as the ones I normally indulge in. Check out this picture of the finished product.

Yes, they weren’t perfect however for a first go they were impressive.The coolest and most important tip I can pass on is that just before you rest them prior to baking, smack the tray down on the counter a couple of times. That will release the bubbles that may have formed in the batter.
3. Why do I create what I do?
Huge fan of macarons. Huge. They are tiny satisfying discs of deliciousness. The puffy, chewy, creamy taste sensation is to die for. Seriously.
4. How does my creating process work?
This class was a hands on one. Ever since my pal Jane and I took a disastrous hands on Indian cooking class a few years ago I have been leery of the hands on. The instructor, bless him, had planned to share five recipes with us. We got through three of them. His soft-spoken manner meant we missed out on two-thirds of the instruction and we spent most of the evening in hysterical laughter. Held in an unfamiliar highschool home ec classroom the poor unfortunate fellow had no idea where anything was kept.
“Ok students. Please get put the flour into the largest mixing bowl. What? Bowls? Um … I don’t know where they are but you go ahead and search. At the same time please look for a wooden spoon and some measuring cups …”
However, this macarons class was wonderful. Our teacher was a master. The entire process was laid out for us in a clear and easy to follow manner.

Drooling yet? Before I pass on the baton to my two very talented gals who’ve agreed to join this blogging tour (and will answer the questions in the way they are intended) I must reveal one other important tip about the successful making of macarons. ***NO more than two trays in the oven at the same time.*** Any more trays and they won’t bake evenly.
C’est ca! That’s it!
Ok so let’s get serious. The two bloggers to whom I handing the baton are Vickie Martin Conison and Amy Stenehjem Kelsch.
They will be answering the same four questions on June 9th and then introducing us to three of their favourite bloggers who will answer the same questions. Make sense? Hope so.
Vickie is an award-winning Atlanta artist and Amy is an expert at finding special items for all budgets, personalities and styles. Check them out!
So enough about me and my promise is a promise. I’m curious about you. Are you a macarons fan? If so, what’s your favourite flavour? Is this something that you’d love to learn to make? Or would you rather just sit and eat them gems of heaven at your local eatery? If you’d care to share, I’d love to hear.
34 Responses
Kelly those look fantastic ! I too love macarons, and I might just have to get you to give me a private lesson !!
That’d be fun Jane!
Kelly your macarons look wonderful!! I have a confession though – never tried them. Perhaps it is high time that I do, especially when they look as whimsically delicious as the picture you shared.
Bravo Kelly!!
You haven’t tried these morsels Janice? Oh I must get you some – won’t start on ones I make though …
Not sure I’m an aficionado of macaroons. Seriously don’t know the last time I had one! As I’m the Experienced Bad Mom, and thus sorely lacking PInterest-worthy baking skills, Oreos are more my speed!
Hahaha! Well at least you’re honest Katy! That’s half the battle. I can’t find my way around a sewing machine and have zero interest in doing so. I love Oreos – the originals will always be my very fave.
Your rainbow-ish array of macaroons looks seriously yummy!
Oh Kathy they were. All gone now but they were yummy.
Haven’t had a cooking class in a long time; used to enjoy them in 4-H.
You should have another go at them!
I’m trying to picture myself in a cooking class. I think that would be hilarious. Definitely blog worthy! 🙂
Oh yes – especially the ones where everything is hands on! I was surprised it wasn’t me who dropped the icing sugar container – lid off – on the floor last weekend. I think perhaps all but a tsp. coated the rest of her classmates …
I love macarons! My daughter taught herself how to make these little bites of perfection last winter and made a truly sublime dulce de leche version that I still dream about! Your macarons look beautiful and delicious! Great job!!
Oh Mo – she gave us a verbal recipe for the dulce de leche – hope I copied it down correctly!
Looks so delicious! I’m very impressed by your rainbow of macaroons! Yummmmm
Thanks Chels. Just yesterday I bought a starter kit of dye – has about 6 different colours. Bring on the rainbow!
I love how alike we are. i learnt to cook macarons too, and I love to take cooking classes. Okay when I come to visit we are going to a cooking class together. Whoohooo.
OOOhhhh yes – tons of wonderful options here!
They look SO DELICIOUS!! I feel like you are a total rock star for figuring out how to make them and then present them in such a lovely box…should I just plan on emailing you my address for my shipment??!! :)-Ashley
Went out yesterday and bought some dye and almond flour and a digital scale … I must practice (perhaps 545 hours or so) and then once I have them down I’ll fire a batch out to you! Apparently the boxes are only available in the US so maybe you and Lisa and I can go into business?
I’m very impressed! They are beautiful, even though that’s not really my taste in dessert. If it’s not chocolate, I’m not wasting the calories. But I would serve these to friends and company in a heartbeat!
Fair enough. My son feels the same way!
Oh I knew you’d pull this off perfectly in your own unique way! Just Typikel! I’m impressed with your efforts. I didn’t reveal recently that I made a triple layer Victoria Sponge for my son’s birthday – even added thick layers of jam… lit the candles and came to cut it in front of the guests… the knife met with strong resistance… I hadn’t removed the cake tin liner!!! I don’t eat macaroons – they’re very expensive over here. I don’t feel as skilled as you to make them!!! I recall seeing macaroon shops in Paris – impressive displays.
Thanks Helen. As for that Victoria Sponge – I shared it with my two and we were all hooting. You left in the cake tin liner? That is so very much something that I would do! So funny.
DELICIOUS!!! Thank you for sharing this!
You’re welcome. Wish me luck. My daughter and I are going to attempt to create some this very afternoon. Fingers crossed!
You’ve made the cutest cookies in the world! I’ve never had a macaron. I don’t think I’d even seen one before. Now for the bakery investigations…
Oh Harmony – you should see the ones my daughter and I made on Sunday. Decidedly different than the ones I made in class. They are really finicky so this test run at home taught us a lot. Even the different cookie sheets made a huge difference. While they are lovely to have they are very time consuming to make so I suspect we’ll put them in the “make only for VERY special occasions” category.
Or, you could just buy these fake silicone macarons (really) and pretend you made them. Just don’t let anyone take a bite!
Ooohhhhh … with orders totalling over $200.00 we get 25% off. You in?
Well, I’m definitely going to buy some fake gummy bears from them…
Yum! Nothing says dental work like fake gummy bears …
Hi Kelly!
Thanks so much for the mention! Happy to be participating in this fun blog tour! Thanks again!
Pleasure Amy! Thank you. I’ll head over and check out your answers. Looking forward to learning more about you.