Yes. Mom has found her purple pants. Finally.
And damn, she looks good.
92 Year-Old Mom Snags Purple Pants
For the benefit of those not in the know, I should hasten to add that it’s not a case of the purple pants being lost. They just weren’t ever found. Until now.
Ok, you’re forgiven for thinking “And this is important because …?”
I haven’t written about my 92 year-old Mom or her quest for purple pants for quite some time. Not for a year in fact (at least about the purple pants mission). Back then I opened with the charming news of how I overheard her confessing to a complete stranger on the flight to LA that her doctor had forbidden her to fly; the first I’d heard of the flying ban. I then waxed on about her unsuccessful mission to find a pair of purple pants. A pair that wouldn’t make her look “old.”
The readership response to her purple pantless plight was stellar. Folks kept messaging me with helpful hints about where they’d personally spotted a potential pair, or where they’d recommend looking. Thanks again, everyone. However, somehow nothing quite fit the bill until now. On a second trip to LA. Last week.
How do they look? You be the judge.
Ok so they’re NOT solid purple. But they have enough purple splash and enough pizzazz that she’s happy. Thrilled in fact.
She found them within five minutes of walking into the very first store on the second day. The process was actually rather Just TypiKel. These were her fave. However, what with our Canadian dollar being in such dire straights compared to the American dollar, she wanted to be sure. After trying on a few colorful numbers the last pair looked decidedly wrong.
“Something’s odd about the front” observed our expert fashion guru, Mom’s second eldest grandchild. She was right. They bunched up spookily. Not unlike a spinakker in all its bulbous glory.
A quick check of the label revealed they were on back to front…
So how’s the old gal doing? Very well thank you. She’s recovered from her series of falls of last summer and adapted well to her new side kick. Her trusty, spiffy walker. The two have bonded so tightly that her doc has given her the green light for a flight time duration of up two hours away. At least that’s the version she’s shared with me.
I’ve learned that the key point to remember when venturing out with this nonagenarian is to do everything on her schedule. She has pots of energy in the morning. And if she flags? Fire some water at her and steer her into the nearest store. Seriously.
Mom loves “shawpin’.” It’s very important that you get the pronunciation correct. It’s a drawn out pronunciation. “Shawwwwpin.” And take note of the silent g, please.
With such quick success that second day, we were freed up to revisit old haunts and explore new ones.
One of our favourite LA stops is Greystone Mansion and Gardens. Mom was eight when the mansion was completed; a fact she is rather proud of sharing. The view from its gardens is magnificent.

Something new for us? Manhattan Beach.
And how did Mom enjoy it? Well, naturally the lure of the sea was too much. Before we knew it, she’d hurled her walker over the edge of the wharf and plunged into the water for a brisk 50 meter water polo head-up freestyle. Why yes, that is her drying off under that blue canopy! Good spotting!
Having worked with her for ten years in her asian antiques shop and travelled with her overseas on many buying trips, I’ve long known that travel is Mom’s panacea. This last jaunt was no exception. After four busy California days with my niece and her family, she returned home rejuvenated. Or in her words “rebooted.”
And yes, the pants made it home safely. I’m delighted to report they’ve been hemmed (“a good solid three inches”) and are ready for their first airing.
This post was inspired by the Finish The Sentence Friday prompt of “When it comes to the end of the world…” Should that horror happen, we can all rest easy knowing my 92 year-old mom has finally snagged her coveted purple pants.
As always, our host is the lovely Kristi . Today’s guest hosts are Nicki Gilbert of Red Boots and Jena Schwartz.
One quick side note before I leave you. We very nearly didn’t get out of Canada. Mom’s Canadian passport was due to expire at the end of this month and the initial screening machine at US Customs became suspicious and denied her entry. Happily, the live agent reversed this decision. Mom’s since renewed it. For five more years.
Enough about the wondrous fact that my 92 year-old mom snags purple pants. I’m curious about you. Have you a hankering for such spectacular trousers? Or would you not be caught alive in them? Loathe shopping? Or does it spark your very soul? When was the last time you were in LA? Ever been on the tilt-a-whirl at Coney Island? Or perhaps at Blackpool Leisure Beach? If you’d care to share, I’d love to hear.
52 Responses
OK, can I just say how much I was smiling here reading that your mom finally got her purple pants?! Oh and by the way, she is most definitely rocking those pants! 😉
Isn’t it just the best news ever, Janine? She is SO happy. The family joke is that after spending two days cleaning out her closets with a granddaughter and promising to “not buy a thing this year …” Mom found the pants. Of course she had to buy them. I’ll pass on your “rocking” comment. Mom will be tickled … purple.
Oh Kelly, I do love your Mum and her zest for life ! She is truly a force of nature ! So happy that she finally found the elusive purple pants, and do hope that she has wonderful adventures while wearing them !
Thank you so much, Jane. Mom will be thrilled that you are so happy. She really is quite a force of nature, isn’t she. I ‘ll let you know how the first wearing goes …
I so so so adore your mom and completely remember the purple pants trial of last year (and I can’t believe it’s been a year!!!!). Your mom rocks. Seriously. I’m so glad this is how you did this prompt, Kelly. It’s like Just Typikel in color. Also did I already tell you congrats for Seattle LTYM??? If not, holytypickelballsaswesomecongratulations!
Thank you Kristi. Mom’s head will swell but I’ll tell her of your adoration. It’s so funny – first thing she did when she got back from LA? Took the pants in to be hemmed. They are ready for their unveiling to the world! And thank you for your “holytypickelballsaswesomecongratulations!” I am really excited!
Your mom’s pants are awesome. I don’t think I could make them fly though on me just because I can’t match clothes. I frequently sport navy blue and black with old pink tennis shoes (and I used to write fashion articles). LA sounds like it rebooted your mother but wore you out. LOL My grandfather is 96. I swear they get spunkier with age. I love all your pictures of her taking pictures.
Your grandfather is 96? Yay! I’ll tell Mom. She’ll be thrilled to know there is yet one more person out there older than her. And yes, I’m with ya. They do get spunkier with age, don’t they?
I must meet your mom, Kelly. I simply must.
I understand that desire, that fire-burning MUST HAVE something RIGHT NOW. Yesterday I bought snake print spandex. Seriously. I knew if I didn’t give it to it I wouldn’t stop thinking about those pants. MUST HAVE. Now I do.
Oh and I know she’d LOVE to meet you Nicki. She’s the self-appointed social coordinator for her apartment building. I swear I can’t get in the elevator with her without someone chatting her up. She knows everyone. From the 5 year-old lad who sets off the fire alarms to the newly arrived 70 year-old.
Ok – so snake print spandex? PHOTO, PLEASE.
Hooray for purple-ish pants! It sounds like your trip was a success on every level. I sure hope I’m able to travel as well as your mom (even if it is a teensy bit against doctor’s orders sometimes) if I’m lucky enough to reach her age!! What a gal!!!
She’s quite the gal, Mo. I tend to take her spunkiness for granted and then I go on a trip with her and it alllllllllll comes back. It’s different now with the walker coming along but the upside is my biceps sure get a work out …
When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple pants. I bet I’m the 1743rd person to make that reference. But yeah, why not?!?! She looks downright spiffy!
Thanks, Sarah. And no – you’re only the 1742nd person to make that reference. One word. Macy’s. Go there now. I’m sure there’s still a pair available. Get ’em now and put ’em in storage for when you’re in your 90’s. I know – she’s really quite something. And I can’t stress enough how excited she is to get those pants out in public. Can’t tell you how many times she’s asked me “Have you seen what a lovely hem job they did?”
You Mom is awesome! What zeal for life! I think the best part is the passport renewal. ..for five years! My Daughter loves the Tilt-a-Whirl and we ride it anywhere we find one.
I also thought of the purple hat. It’s really such a great way of thinking.
So glad you got that subtle reference to the five year renewal, Lisa. Isn’t she something? She called me at 08:30 this morning to tell me she’d already had her breakfast, cleaned her teeth, tidied up and was ready to paint. She’s working on a huge canvas and is doing a brilliantly coloured study of four monks. Me? I’ve yet to eat.
What an amazing mom you have! Maybe I should introduce her to my 96 year old grandfather :)! So glad she found the purple pants. Greystone Mansion is one of my most favorite places in LA.
Yes! Lana, she’d love to meet your 96 yer old grandfather! She plays bridge with a 100 year old chap. Golly your grandfather would be a youngster by comparison. Always good to meet younger men … Wouldn’t it have been fun to attend a party at Greystone Mansion back in the day? Or even one now!
love hearing about your mum!
Thank you Barb. It’s funny – you know what she said to me the other day, before the trip to LA? “Your writing has changed. Perhaps you should do another piece on family …” A rather broad hint, I suspect.
Hoorah for purple pants! Especially multi-coloured ones. Tell your Mum I think they’re awesome! And while you’re at it, tell her I think she’s awesome!
I’ve never been to LA – never been out of Oz. Your Mum is a much wider traveler than I am.
Kelly, did your Mum really throw her walker over the edge of the wharf into the water and jump in after it?? Tell me your joshin’ us 😮
Thank you Lyn. You win the prize. I couldn’t help but throw that bit in about the walker toss. After I published the post I thought perhaps I should go back in and tweak that a bit and then I thought better of it. I wondered if anyone would notice and comment. Yay! You did. No, she didn’t jump in. Or toss. A few years back she went on a Russian Icebreaker up in Canada’s north. After exploring about on land, her zodiac boat pulled up beside the ship. The only way back onboard was to haul herself up the rope ladder. Doing that, she tore the rotator cuffs on both arms. Surgery at her age isn’t an option so the poor gal lives in chronic pain. You’d never know as she never complains. however her swimming (and tossing) days are done. I’ll tell her you think she’s awesome. She’ll be over the moon. Truly.
Oh my! A rotator cuff tear is painful – I know, I’ve done it – but in both shoulders… Mine was only a small tear and eventually healed itself after about three years. It must be really painful for your Mom to use that walker 🙁
She’s ok with the walker. It’s the raising of the arms that hurts. So, hanging up a coat, lifting her paintings, etc… are difficult. Thankfully she’s got plenty of pals in her building who can be called upon to help.
Kelly as soon as I saw the title of this post I was delighted. I have spent many a waking moment wondering about the search for the purple pants. Congrats to your Mum she knows what she wants and if willing to wait. Thanks as always for a funny and delightful giggle. Wish we lived closer.
Oh I wish we lived closer too, Karen. Both Mom and I would love to meet you. It’s funny but I did think of you when I was writing this. I remember how you were on case of the hunt for purple pants last year. Yes, Mom is SO thrilled with them. She’s going to wear them to a wedding shower soon. I’m going so I’ll be sure to snap a pic or six. And yes – she does know what she wants and is more than willing to wait. It’s a rather recent achievement. She has a past history of tending to spontaneously purchase something and this is proof that her efforts to not do that are working.
It’s awesome that your Mom is renewing her passport for 5 more years! I guess she is planning your next travel adventure. And yes, I remember your earlier post when you related how your Mom dropped the “no-travel bomb” in mid-flight. She’s a pistol!!
Grinning HUGELY over the pistol. She truly is one. Honestly, the woman does more things in a day than I do.
Your mom sounds like a hoot. A woman after my own heart. I certainly can hope to be of her caliber when I reach her age. You go girl…..those pants are perfect. 🙂
Oh she’ll be thrilled to learn that you think so, Kelli. She’ll be sporting them soon to a wedding shower. The bride might not be the center of attention. Ah well, Mom will correct that situation if so. And yes, let’s hope we’re all of her caliber when we reach 92!
this was a beautiful writeup about your mom and her various escapades and her attitude towards life. I am sure when you are close to her age, we would expect the same from ya 🙂
“Shawwpin” is a nice term and does not indicate any $$$ spent. I might just use it 😉
Oh yes, by all means do use “Shawwpin” Ruchira. Mom would be delighted to have that word spread around. I am quite certain!
Wonderful pants! And, wonderful story. I’m with mum. Travel is the balm to my soul. I can’t wait to take my kids back to So Cal one day, where I grew up and spent too many days in the sun encouraging things to grow on my skin now that get hacked off every 6 months.
The mansion sounds amazing. I don’t recall it. Tell your mum I was born at the Huntington hospital in Pasadena, which certainly must be by the Huntington Library. And on my kindergarten field trip to the gardens at the Huntington Library we saw Gregory Peck filming a movie.
I will tell her that you ere born at the Huntingto hospital! And, bonus, that you saw Gregory Peck! Very cool. We went out to lunch at the Beverly Hills Hotel but didn’t spot any celebs. There was one woman who’d had extensive work done so she might have been “someone” but unfortunately she was fixed up in such a way that she didn’t look remotely familiar…
I noticed the toss the walker and swim in the ocean comment – you’re a funny one, Kelly! I smile at least five times whenever I read your words.
The pants are awesome – may they take your mom many wonderful places.
Oh thanks, Dana. And GOOD spotting on the tossed walker front. I’m beaming here as I read the comments and note that only you and Lyn have commented on it. Mom’s computer is acting up so I’ll have to show her it on my phone. Wonder if she’ll notice? I’ll keep you posted.
I wanna be like YOUR mom when I grow up.
I’d take a dip in the ocean with her…
Buy purple pants…
Travel the world with a walker…
And surely feel rebooted!!!
LOVE this post!!
Thank you Chris! And yes, I, too hope to be like her at 92! Heck, at 72!
That’s a sweet story!
Thanks Maja. Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend.
Okay, LOVE< LOVE< LOVE your mom – and this post! I want to be your mom when I grow up. I love that she still travels!!!! It is so hard to get my in-laws to go anywhere with us (69 and 73). And you post is also very clever with the prompt.
Your in-laws are reluctant to travel with you? I am sorry.That must be difficult for you, Allie. Yes, Mom is really quite something. Her plans for today? Finish up a painting she’s working on and then head out for a pal’s 94th dinner party. May you and I be as active at 92!
I love the pants!!! And, your mom is so cute – love seeing bits of her in pictures!!!
Glad that the quest has ended – time for a new one!!!
BTW – I went back to that post and can’t believe that I have “known” you for a year already!!!
It has been a whole year? Golly – that zipped by so quickly. And yes – you couldn’t have put it better, Kim. It is time for a new quest for my mom. She thrives on those!
I *literally* squealed with joy when I started this post!! She found the purple pants!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! They are absolutely FABULOUS and pair quite nicely with her fancy walker! Love it! So glad she is doing well!!!! :)-Ashley
Ashley! Hi! Isn’t it wonderful? I thought of you and Lisa in the dressing room. Well not of the two of you actually being in a dressing room but WHILE Mom was in the dressing room. The pants are perfect. I’m delighted to announce they’ve already had a wearing. Mom’s pal was celebrating her 93rd birthday and Mom wore them to that. And apparently she left the walker at home! Thanks for your kind words. I’ll share them with Mom. She’ll be tickled purple.
I heart your mom! I bet there are so many wonderfully hilarious and touching and just typikel stories (if not a whole book) you could tell about the Chinese antique shop! I am dying to read about it.
Oh Katia you’ve no idea. Mom is aching for me to write that book. I’ve got her diaries and the store journals so the ground prep is beginning. Baby steps … baby steps…
Oh my goodness, I love this post Kelly! Now I really want to meet your mom. It sounds like it was a fun trip, and will become a treasured family memory. I loved your description of the pants being put on back to front!
Thank you so much for reading, Susan. Yes, you simply MUST meet her. Let’s make that work.
Your mom is amazing. And the photos of her sight-seeing? Breath-taking. You go, girls!!
Thank you! I’ll let Mom know – she’ll be tickled purple.